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发布时间:2018-11-03 20:13
[Abstract]:The key to developing rural education and running rural schools well lies in the stability and development of rural teachers. In 2006, China first implemented the "Special post teacher Program" in the western part of the country, and in 2009 the program was expanded to include many provinces, including Henan Province. Eight years later, the Special post teacher Program helps to solve the job pressure of college graduates and, more importantly, provides sufficient and stable teaching staff for rural education. This study takes five special teachers in C Township No. 2 in Y County, Henan Province as the main research object. The middle school leaders, the formal teachers and the teacher Chen of the "most Beautiful Special Post" in the adjacent primary school are taken as the reference, and the qualitative research method is adopted. Through observation and in-depth interview, we can understand how individuals position themselves and choose their values under the interaction of personal self and external environmental factors in the three stages of choosing teachers, practicing teachers and leaving the posts: firstly, The special post teacher is based on what kind of self-knowledge and the value choice becomes a rural special post teacher; Secondly, after becoming a special post teacher, facing the gap between ideal and reality, how do they adjust themselves and practice their work in the arduous living and working environment; Finally, at the end of three years, faced with real family, work problems, how they choose. This thesis is divided into five parts. The first part puts forward the research questions and research value, summarizes the existing literature, and describes the core concepts, theoretical basis and research methods of this study; The second part selects a typical case from the special post teacher to carry on the complete focus analysis, analyzes the teacher in the choice special post teacher, the practice special post teacher, leaves the special post teacher process under the self-factor and the environment factor interaction. How do you define yourself and make choices; The third part is the fullness of the second part of the case, from the actual experience of a number of special teachers in detail analysis of the three stages of self-factors and environmental factors under the interaction of personal self-positioning and value choice, and verify each other; The fourth part is the conclusion and discussion. Firstly, it confirms the great contribution of special teachers to rural education from the research facts, and then compares the correlation and conflict between the conclusions of this study and the theoretical basis of this study. Comparing the differences and differences between the conclusions of this study and the research facts of other researchers, the author focuses on the role of family factors and economic factors in the self-orientation and value selection of the teachers. Finally, some practical suggestions are put forward from the perspective of the teachers themselves and the external environmental factors, in order to help the teachers and rural education "win-win"; The fifth part is the conclusion of this study, which is a summary of the whole process of this study, and analyzes and reflects on the experience and difficulties in the stage of investigation and writing results, as well as the direction of future efforts. Through the understanding and analysis of the basic facts, this study can not only provide reference guidance for teachers who are in the process of professional development to understand themselves and work correctly, but also for rural school administrators. The executive departments of the "special post teacher plan" at all levels provide scientific management basis, and can also provide practical material support for the further improvement of the "special post teacher plan" policy.


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