[Abstract]:The rapid development of science and technology, especially the popularity of smart phones, has brought convenience to people, at the same time, it has greatly impacted the education of colleges and universities, and the phenomenon of playing with mobile phones in the classroom has been repeatedly prohibited. Based on this, colleges and universities have proposed the application of smart phones in college classroom research. As a comprehensive experimental skill course, basic medical experimental technology involves the theoretical basis of many courses, such as physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, and so on. By developing students' practical and operational ability, it can lay the foundation for their professional skills. The emergence of smart phones also impacts the course of experimental technology in basic medicine, but the emergence of smart phones solves many problems encountered by the researcher in experimental teaching. Therefore, a series of basic medical experimental technology teaching reform based on smart phone has been established, and the teaching quality has been optimized.
【作者单位】: 重庆三峡医药高等专科学校;
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