本文关键词: 江西省义务教育 成就与问题 建议 出处:《教育学术月刊》2011年02期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:From 2000 to 2009, the number of schools in the compulsory education stage in Jiangxi Province gradually decreased; the enrolment rate increased steadily and the transition rate increased significantly; the drop-out rate and the ratio of students to teachers at the junior middle school level decreased significantly; The qualified rate of full-time teachers and the proportion of teachers with middle and senior professional titles have increased significantly; the average educational expenses and public funds have increased steadily. The main problems are: the phenomenon of unbalanced development of compulsory education is serious; The shortage of funds is still the restrictive factor of the development of compulsory education, the teachers in poor rural areas are weak, the teaching quality is low, the problem of shortage of urban compulsory education resources is increasingly prominent; A large number of rural teaching points are faced with the double pressure of their own development and "being removed from the union"; the number of pupils dropping out of school is huge, and the dropout rate rebounds continuously; there are still a large number of full-time teachers who are not qualified for academic qualifications.
【作者单位】: 赣南师范学院教育科学学院;
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