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发布时间:2018-03-05 14:32

  本文选题:中学生 切入点:道德动机 出处:《南京师范大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:道德动机是个体遵守他们认为有效的道德规则的意愿,即使这个规则与非道德的愿望相冲突。研究中学生道德动机不仅是了解当今中学生心理发展状况的需要,而且在推动中学生道德教育、人格发展及丰富道德心理学等方面都具有重要意义。 本研究在文献综述和问卷的基础上,提出道德动机的理论构想,编制了中学生道德动机问卷,调查分析中学生道德动机的发展状况,研究旨在:(1)采用探索性因素分析来研究中学生道德动机的结构;(2)编制中学生道德动机问卷;(3)探讨中学生道德动机的发展特征;(4)对中学生的道德动机进行干预。具体结果如下: 1、根据理论构想,通过探索性因素分析,中学生道德动机由利己利他、感恩、责任、尊重和认同五个维度构成,其中利己利他维度包括和解与合作、利他、积极主动、克己四个小因素,感恩维度包括感恩和共情两个小因素。 2、编制的问卷具有良好的信效度,可以作为中学生道德动机的测评工具。 3、中学生道德动机总体上的平均分为2.01,处于中上水平,维度间发展相对平衡。 4、中学生道德动机在总均分上存在性别、是否为班干、年级和年龄、心情好坏差异,在家庭来源地、是否为独生子女、是否与父母同住、家庭经济状况、父母学历上不存在显著差异。其中家庭来源地和是否为独生子女在责任和积极主动维度上存在显著差异,是否与父母同住在利己利他、责任维度上存在显著差异,经济状况在感恩维度上存在显著差异,父母学历在所有维度上皆不显著。 5、干预对于提高中学生的道德动机水平有一定效果,干预后实验组在总均分、责任、和解与合作、克己和共情维度上得分均显著高于对照组。
[Abstract]:Moral motivation is the will of individuals to abide by the moral rules that they consider effective, even though this rule conflicts with unethical wishes. Studying the moral motivation of middle school students is not only the need to understand the psychological development of middle school students today, And it is of great significance in promoting middle school students' moral education, personality development and enriching moral psychology. On the basis of literature review and questionnaire, this study put forward the theoretical conception of moral motivation, compiled the questionnaire of middle school students' moral motivation, investigated and analyzed the development of middle school students' moral motivation. The purpose of the study is to use exploratory factor analysis to study the structure of middle school students' moral motivation; (2) to compile a questionnaire on middle school students' moral motivation; (4) to explore the developmental characteristics of middle school students' moral motivation; (4) to interfere with middle school students' moral motivation. The specific results are as follows:. 1. According to the theoretical conception and exploratory factor analysis, the moral motivation of middle school students is composed of five dimensions: altruism, gratitude, responsibility, respect and identity, among which altruistic altruism includes reconciliation and cooperation, altruism and initiative. Gratitude dimension includes two small factors of gratitude and empathy. 2. The questionnaire has good reliability and validity, and can be used as a tool for evaluating middle school students' moral motivation. 3, the average moral motivation of middle school students is 2.01, which is in the middle and upper level, and the development between dimensions is relatively balanced. 4. The moral motivation of middle school students has gender in the total average score, whether it is class work, grade, age, mood difference, whether it is the only child in the origin of the family, whether they live with their parents, whether they live with their parents, and the family economic situation. There was no significant difference in parental education, among which there were significant differences in responsibility and initiative between the origin of the family and whether the only child was the only child, and there were significant differences in the dimensions of responsibility and altruism in living with their parents. There are significant differences in economic status in the dimension of gratitude, while parental education is not significant in all dimensions. 5. Intervention had certain effect on improving the moral motivation level of middle school students. After intervention, the scores of the experimental group in the dimensions of total average score, responsibility, reconciliation and cooperation, self-control and empathy were significantly higher than those in the control group.


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