本文选题:青少年 + 青春期发育 ; 参考:《山东大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:目的 (1)描述青少年心理亚健康状况以及青春期分期、青春期知信行和家庭关怀度状况;(2)探讨青少年心理亚健康状况与青春期分期、青春期知信行和家庭关怀状况的相关性;(3)探讨青春期生理发育、家庭关怀度与青春期知信行的关系;(4)进行青少年亚健康多维评定问卷的实证效度研究。 对象与方法 采用描述性相关性研究方法,于2011年4-6月份采用“青少年身心社会发展的调查问卷”对山东省10-19岁青少年4031名进行调查。应用青春期发育评估量表评估青少年躯体发育和青春期分期状况,应用家庭关怀度指数量表评估青少年家庭关怀状况,应用青春期知信行量表评估青少年与青春期相关的知识、态度和行为状况,应用长处和困难量表和青少年亚健康多维评定问卷(心理部分)测评青少年的心理状况,进行生理量表、心理量表、心理相关因素量表结果的描述,进行量表结果间的相关分析,进行青少年亚健康多维评定问卷(心理部分)的实效研究。数据采用SPSS13.0进行统计分析。 结果 1、随着年龄的增大,青少年躯体发育逐渐成熟,女孩青春期发育显著早于男孩;2、家庭关怀功能与青少年性别有关,但与青少年所处的青春期发育阶段无关;3、青春期知信行在性别间和青春期分期间有显著差异性,且与青春期分期间呈显著正相关;4、青春期知信行与青春期生理发育具有平行发展的趋势,二者随着青少年年龄增长,逐步成熟和完善;5、青春期知信行与家庭关怀度呈显著正相关,家庭关怀是青春期知信行成长的重要因素;6、青少年心理亚健康与家庭关怀度显著负相关;7、青少年心理亚健康与青春期知信行显著负相关;8、青少年心理亚健康与性别无关,但与青春期发育分期显著相关,随着青春期发育进展,心理状况趋向不良;9、青少年心理亚健康状况在父母婚姻状况、家庭收入、学习成绩、吸烟、饮酒、醉酒、疾病史、地市、级部和学校所在地等方面有显著差异;10、青少年亚健康多维评定问卷(心理部分)内部一致性良好,复测信度良好,与长处和困难问卷显著相关,显示量表本身结构及稳定性良好。两量表测评同一人群,结果趋势相同,但二者心理异常的检出率不同,维度方面各有长短。 结论 1、青少年躯体发育随年龄逐渐成熟,女孩青春期发育显著早于男孩。 2、青春期知信行与青春期生理发育具有平行发展的趋势;青春期知信行与家庭关怀度显著相关。 3、青少年心理状况受其青春期分期、家庭关怀、青春期知信行的显著影响。青少年心理状况随着青春期发育进展趋向不良,而随着家庭关怀度和青春期知信行的提高趋向良好。 4、青少年亚健康多维评定问卷(心理部分)信效度良好,可以用于青少年的心理社会健康的评估,但结果应根据被调查人群年龄、地区、年级等不同,进行汇报和具体分析。
[Abstract]:Purpose(1) describe the mental sub-health status of adolescents and the stages of adolescence, the status of knowledge, faith and family care in adolescence (2) discuss the mental sub-health status of adolescents and the stages of adolescence.The relationship between knowledge, behavior and Family Care in adolescence. (3) to explore the relationship between adolescent physical development and family care, and the relationship between family care and adolescence. 4) to study the validity of the multidimensional questionnaire on subhealth of adolescents.Objects and methodsA descriptive correlation study was used to investigate 4031 adolescents aged 10-19 years in Shandong Province in April-June 2011 by using the questionnaire on the physical, psychological and social development of adolescents.Adolescent somatic development and adolescent stages were evaluated by adolescent development assessment scale, family care index scale was used to evaluate adolescent family care status, and adolescent knowledge and belief scale was used to evaluate adolescents' knowledge related to puberty.Attitude and behavior, using the strengths and difficulties scale and sub-health multi-dimensional assessment questionnaire (psychological part) to assess the psychological status of adolescents, to describe the results of physiological scale, psychological scale, psychological related factors scale,The correlation analysis between the results of the scale and the effectiveness of the multi-dimensional subhealth questionnaire (psychological part) were carried out.The data were analyzed by SPSS13.0.Result1. With the increase of age, the somatic development of adolescents matures gradually, and the adolescent development of girls is significantly earlier than that of boys. The family care function is related to adolescent sex.However, it was not related to the development stage of adolescence. There were significant differences between sex and adolescence.There was a significant positive correlation with the period of puberty. There was a trend of parallel development between knowledge, belief and behavior in puberty and physiological development in adolescence, both of which increased with the age of adolescents.Gradually maturing and perfecting, there was a significant positive correlation between knowledge, faith and family care during puberty.Family care is an important factor in the growth of knowledge, belief and practice in adolescence. There is a significant negative correlation between adolescent mental sub-health and family care, and there is a significant negative correlation between adolescent mental sub-health and adolescent knowledge, belief and behavior, and there is no relationship between adolescent mental sub-health and gender.However, there was a significant correlation with the stages of puberty development. With the development of puberty, the mental state tended to be poor. The mental sub-health status of adolescents was related to their parents' marital status, family income, academic achievement, smoking, drinking, drunkenness, history of disease, prefectural and municipal.There were significant differences in the level of department and school location. There was good internal consistency and reliability of the subhealth multidimensional assessment questionnaire (psychological part) for adolescents, which was significantly related to the strengths and difficulties of the questionnaire.The structure and stability of the scale are good.The results of the two scales were the same in the same population, but the detection rate of psychological abnormality was different and the dimension was different.Conclusion1. The somatic development of adolescents matured with age, and the adolescent development of girls was significantly earlier than that of boys.2. There is a parallel development trend between knowledge, belief and behavior in adolescence, and there is a significant correlation between knowledge, belief and family care during adolescence.3. The psychological status of adolescents is significantly affected by their stages of adolescence, family care, and adolescent knowledge, faith and behavior.The psychological status of adolescents tended to be poor with the development of adolescence, and good with the degree of family care and the improvement of knowledge, belief and behavior in adolescence.4. The subhealth multidimensional assessment questionnaire (psychological part) has good reliability and validity, which can be used to evaluate the mental and social health of adolescents, but the results should be reported and analyzed according to the age, area, grade and so on.
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