发布时间:2021-09-02 05:40
【文章页数】:80 页
List of Abbreviations
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Research
1.2 Purpose of the Research
1.3 Significance of the Research
1.4 Structure of the Thesis
Chapter2 Literature Review
2.1 Researches on English Reading Teaching Abroad and at Home
2.1.1 Researches on English Reading Teaching Abroad
2.1.2 Researches on English Reading Teaching at Home
2.2 Anchored Instruction
2.2.1 Definition of Anchored Instruction
2.2.2 Characteristics of Anchored Instruction
2.2.3 Steps of Anchored Instruction
2.3 Researches on Anchored Instruction Abroad and at Home
2.3.1 Researches on Anchored Instruction Abroad
2.3.2 Researches on Anchored Instruction at Home
2.4 Researches on Anchored Instruction in English Reading Teaching
2.5 Summary
Chapter3 Theoretical Foundation
3.1 Constructivism
3.2 Situated Cognition Theory
Chapter4 Research Methodology
4.1 Research Questions
4.2 Research Subjects
4.3 Research Instruments
4.4 Research Procedures
4.5 Teaching Process
4.6 Data Collection and Analysis
Chapter5 Results and Discussion
5.1 Results and Analysis of Inferential Comprehension Ability
5.1.1 Statistics analysis of Inferential Comprehension Ability in Pre-test
5.1.2 Statistics Analysis of Inferential Comprehension Ability in Post-test
5.1.3 Statistics Analysis of Participants in Pre-test and Post-test(EC)
5.1.4 Statistics Analysis of Participants in Pre-test and Post-test(CC)
5.2 Results and Analysis of Summarizing Ability
5.2.1 Statistics Analysis of Summarizing Ability in Pre-test
5.2.2 Statistics Analysis of Summarizing Ability in Post-test
5.2.3 Statistics Analysis of Participants in Pre-test and Post-test( EC)
5.2.4 Statistics Analysis of Participants in Pre-test and Post-test(CC)
5.3 Result and Analysis of Questionnaires for Interest
5.4 Result and Analysis of Interview
5.5 Discussion
5.5.1 Discussion on the Effect of English Reading Achievement
5.5.2 Discussion on the Effect of English Reading Interest
Chapter6 Conclusion
6.1 Major findings
6.2 Implications
6.3 Limitations and Suggestions
Appendix I Pre-test(2017 年陇南市中考题)
Appendix II Post-test(2018 年陇南市中考题)
Appendix III Questionnaire for Interest
Appendix IV Interview
Appendix V Inferential Performance of Tests
Appendix VI Summary Performance of Tests
Appendix VII Mean Performance of Questionnaire for Interest
[1]初中英语阅读抛锚式教学模式的研究[J]. 杨敏. 读与写(教育教学刊). 2018(10)
[2]抛锚式教学策略在初中英语阅读教学中的应用研究[J]. 周敏. 英语教师. 2017(21)
[3]抛锚式教学模式下的师生角色定位[J]. 刘海鹰,刘昕. 学理论. 2017(11)
[4]中国英语能力等级量表的“阅读量表”制定原则和方法[J]. 曾用强. 外语界. 2017(05)
[5]试论抛锚式教学的内涵、理论基础及特点[J]. 吴玉平,张伟平. 教育导刊. 2014(12)
[6]抛锚式教学理论在英语教学中的运用与研究——以《牛津初中英语》阅读教学为例[J]. 王丽娜. 中国教师. 2014(17)
[7]抛锚式四环节教学法——综合英语(1)课程教学模式探索[J]. 曹海燕. 山东广播电视大学学报. 2011(04)
[8]抛锚式教学模式与学生角色的转变[J]. 乔惠娟. 运城学院学报. 2011(04)
[9]高中英语阅读教学与阅读策略指导[J]. 周兰英. 西南大学学报(社会科学版). 2011(S1)
[10]高级英语抛锚式教学模式的构建——基于建构主义学习理论[J]. 李茂莉,彭正银. 新疆大学学报(哲学·人文社会科学版). 2011(02)
[1]抛锚式教学模式下促进大学英语自主学习能力发展的方法研究[D]. 任杰.哈尔滨师范大学 2016
【文章页数】:80 页
List of Abbreviations
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Research
1.2 Purpose of the Research
1.3 Significance of the Research
1.4 Structure of the Thesis
Chapter2 Literature Review
2.1 Researches on English Reading Teaching Abroad and at Home
2.1.1 Researches on English Reading Teaching Abroad
2.1.2 Researches on English Reading Teaching at Home
2.2 Anchored Instruction
2.2.1 Definition of Anchored Instruction
2.2.2 Characteristics of Anchored Instruction
2.2.3 Steps of Anchored Instruction
2.3 Researches on Anchored Instruction Abroad and at Home
2.3.1 Researches on Anchored Instruction Abroad
2.3.2 Researches on Anchored Instruction at Home
2.4 Researches on Anchored Instruction in English Reading Teaching
2.5 Summary
Chapter3 Theoretical Foundation
3.1 Constructivism
3.2 Situated Cognition Theory
Chapter4 Research Methodology
4.1 Research Questions
4.2 Research Subjects
4.3 Research Instruments
4.4 Research Procedures
4.5 Teaching Process
4.6 Data Collection and Analysis
Chapter5 Results and Discussion
5.1 Results and Analysis of Inferential Comprehension Ability
5.1.1 Statistics analysis of Inferential Comprehension Ability in Pre-test
5.1.2 Statistics Analysis of Inferential Comprehension Ability in Post-test
5.1.3 Statistics Analysis of Participants in Pre-test and Post-test(EC)
5.1.4 Statistics Analysis of Participants in Pre-test and Post-test(CC)
5.2 Results and Analysis of Summarizing Ability
5.2.1 Statistics Analysis of Summarizing Ability in Pre-test
5.2.2 Statistics Analysis of Summarizing Ability in Post-test
5.2.3 Statistics Analysis of Participants in Pre-test and Post-test( EC)
5.2.4 Statistics Analysis of Participants in Pre-test and Post-test(CC)
5.3 Result and Analysis of Questionnaires for Interest
5.4 Result and Analysis of Interview
5.5 Discussion
5.5.1 Discussion on the Effect of English Reading Achievement
5.5.2 Discussion on the Effect of English Reading Interest
Chapter6 Conclusion
6.1 Major findings
6.2 Implications
6.3 Limitations and Suggestions
Appendix I Pre-test(2017 年陇南市中考题)
Appendix II Post-test(2018 年陇南市中考题)
Appendix III Questionnaire for Interest
Appendix IV Interview
Appendix V Inferential Performance of Tests
Appendix VI Summary Performance of Tests
Appendix VII Mean Performance of Questionnaire for Interest
[1]初中英语阅读抛锚式教学模式的研究[J]. 杨敏. 读与写(教育教学刊). 2018(10)
[2]抛锚式教学策略在初中英语阅读教学中的应用研究[J]. 周敏. 英语教师. 2017(21)
[3]抛锚式教学模式下的师生角色定位[J]. 刘海鹰,刘昕. 学理论. 2017(11)
[4]中国英语能力等级量表的“阅读量表”制定原则和方法[J]. 曾用强. 外语界. 2017(05)
[5]试论抛锚式教学的内涵、理论基础及特点[J]. 吴玉平,张伟平. 教育导刊. 2014(12)
[6]抛锚式教学理论在英语教学中的运用与研究——以《牛津初中英语》阅读教学为例[J]. 王丽娜. 中国教师. 2014(17)
[7]抛锚式四环节教学法——综合英语(1)课程教学模式探索[J]. 曹海燕. 山东广播电视大学学报. 2011(04)
[8]抛锚式教学模式与学生角色的转变[J]. 乔惠娟. 运城学院学报. 2011(04)
[9]高中英语阅读教学与阅读策略指导[J]. 周兰英. 西南大学学报(社会科学版). 2011(S1)
[10]高级英语抛锚式教学模式的构建——基于建构主义学习理论[J]. 李茂莉,彭正银. 新疆大学学报(哲学·人文社会科学版). 2011(02)
[1]抛锚式教学模式下促进大学英语自主学习能力发展的方法研究[D]. 任杰.哈尔滨师范大学 2016