本文关键词: 职业技术教育学 应用型硕士研究生 学术型研究生 出处:《教育科学》2010年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:In March 2009, the Ministry of Education put forward the measures of "actively adjusting the training structure of graduate students, reforming the training mode of graduate students and speeding up the training of applied specialized talents". In the 20 years of the development of vocational and technical education graduate students in China, the development of graduate students has been on a scale. The system and model have made a series of achievements, but in the process of training, there is still a lack of "application", which can not reflect the characteristics of the application of vocational education in serving the social and economic production. The cultivation of postgraduates in vocational and technical education needs to change in the aspects of concept, training process, and the relationship between inside and outside schools, and conform to the structural adjustment of graduate training in our country.
【作者单位】: 华东师范大学职业教育与成人教育研究所;
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