
发布时间:2018-02-10 11:09

  本文关键词: 研究生教育 评价 权力 博弈 出处:《兰州大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:我国现实的研究生教育评价,是在以政府、社会中介、高校三方评价主体长期的博弈中形成和发展起来的。以权力的分配和利益的占有为纽带,政府、社会中介、高校三方评价主体在博弈中逐渐呈现失衡状态。政府评价权力过于集中,缺乏制约政府权力的多方力量。社会中介评价专业性弱化、合法地位欠缺。高校为谋求自身的生存与发展,盲目迎合评价指标体系,对相关信息掺入虚假成分,导致研究生教育评价结果的公平性、客观性、科学性缺失。上述现象都是研究生教育评价主体权力博弈失衡的表现及结果。所以,构建政府、社会中介、高校三方评价主体“在博弈中权力均衡”的理论策略是研究生教育评价体系十分迫切的现实需要。 本研究以博弈论为理论基础,对研究生教育评价所关涉到的各方利益主体的权力博弈进行研究,这也是本研究的创新点。通过对研究生教育评价主体多元化发展历程的追溯,深入剖析了我国研究生教育评价主体权力博弈失衡的现状及原因。并在国际视野下,对美、英、法三国的研究生教育评价主体进行对比分析:法国是中央集权制国家,其研究生教育评价是政府控制型;美国是分权制国家,其研究生教育评价是中介组织认证型;英国高校具有悠久的自治传统,其研究生教育评价是政校协作型。但随着研究生教育的发展,各国评价主体在博弈中呈多元均衡型趋势。笔者在借鉴国外成功经验的基础上,结合我国国情形成反思,分别阐述了政府、高校、社会中介的行为策略,以期构建权力均衡的研究生教育评价主体体系。只有政府、社会中介、高校各司其职,才有利于保证国家教育行政部门制定和执行研究生教育评价政策的力度,增强高校自我约束和自我发展的能力,调动社会中介参与研究生教育评价的积极性;才能在一定程度上提高政府评价工作的效率,解决我国普遍存在的“官僚、低效”的问题;才能构建权力均衡的研究生教育评价主体体系。
[Abstract]:Education evaluation of the reality of our students, is in the intermediary to the government, society, the formation and development of the long-term game in three. The evaluation of the main share distribution of power and interests as a link, the government, social intermediary, the three party evaluation subject gradually presents the imbalance in the game. The government is too concentrated the evaluation of power, lack of power to restrict the power of government. The social intermediary appraisal professional legal status. The lack of weakening, for their own survival and development, blind to the evaluation index system, the related information on the incorporation of false information, resulting in fairness, the graduate education evaluation of scientific objectivity, lack of these phenomena. Is the performance and results of graduate education evaluation of the main game of power imbalance. Therefore, the construction of the government, social intermediary, the theory of the three party evaluation strategy of University Subject "in the game in the balance of power is" The evaluation system of graduate education is very urgent and realistic.
This study based on the game theory, the power game of graduate education evaluation concerns the interests of all the main research, this is also the innovation of this study. By tracing the development of diversified health education evaluation of the research subject, analyzes the current situation and reasons of China's postgraduate education the main body of the power imbalance in the game evaluation. And in the international perspective, to the United States, Britain, comparative analysis of the main educational evaluation research method three: France is a centralized country, and their graduate education evaluation is the control of the government; the United States is a decentralized country, and their graduate education evaluation agencies certification; British universities have long autonomous tradition, the postgraduate education evaluation is collaborative governance. But with the development of graduate education, the evaluation main body is multiple equilibrium in the game. The trend of success in learning from overseas On the basis of experience, combined with China's national conditions and the formation of reflection, respectively expounds the government, universities, social intermediary behavior strategy, in order to build the right balance of graduate education evaluation system. Only the government, social intermediary, universities carry out their duties, to ensure national educational administrative departments to formulate and implement the policy of graduate education evaluation efforts to enhance the ability of self-discipline and self development, mobilize the enthusiasm of social intermediary graduate education evaluation; in order to improve the efficiency of government evaluation work in a certain extent, solve the common problems in our country "bureaucratic and inefficient" problem; to build the right balance of graduate education evaluation system.



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