本文选题:研究生教育创新 切入点:创新教育 出处:《中国石油大学》2007年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 本世纪前20年,是我国教育科技事业发展的重要战略机遇期。国家做出的增强自主创新能力,进入创新型国家行列的战略规划,为研究生教育带来了空前的发展机遇。在国家创新体系中,高校的作用贯穿于国家创新体系建设的每一个环节,成为了国家创新体系中知识创新系统的核心和重要执行主体。因此我们必须认真对待研究生教育创新体系的研究。 研究生教育的创新本质决定了实施研究生教育创新的主要途径是研究生创新教育,创新教育是研究生教育质量的灵魂,要抓住研究生创新教育的衍生功能和强辐射性,对整个研究生教育系统进行革新。我国自2003年起启动研究生教育创新计划,并列入《2003-2007年教育振兴行动计划》,对构建研究生教育创新体系做出了有益的探索。 研究生教育创新体系是指在高校中所处的特定区域和特定社会经济文化背景下,各种与研究生教育创新相关联的主体要素(实施研究生教育创新的机构和组织)和非主体要素(研究生教育创新所需要的物质条件)以及协调各要素之间关系的制度和政策所构成的网络。构建研究生教育创新体系要以市场机制为基础,把握长远性与渐进性统一,避免趋同、突出个性,开放与合作和多样化的原则。 研究生教育创新体系的运行是一个复杂的过程,其中交织着多种动力,创新行为的产生是外部动力和内部动力共同作用的结果。要在分析外部宏观环境的影响和微观上研究生教育创新体系存在问题的基础上,选择有效要素,注重研究各要素之间的互动机制,在国家层面、研究生培养机构和研究生个人发展方面采取各种措施,构建研究生教育创新体系。 本文运用系统的方法对研究生教育的创新体系建设进行研究。创新体系建设的过程实际上是一个系统要素交互作用的过程,用系统的方法能使我们用整体的、相互联系的思想来指导我国的研究生教育创新体系建设。此外,论文还运用文献研究法、调查研究法、归纳法、比较分析法等研究方法。
[Abstract]:In the first 20 years of this century, it is an important strategic opportunity period for the development of educational science and technology in China. It brings unprecedented development opportunities for graduate education. In the national innovation system, the role of universities runs through every link in the construction of national innovation system. It has become the core and important executive body of the knowledge innovation system in the national innovation system, so we must take the research of the innovation system of graduate education seriously. The essence of graduate education innovation determines that the main way to carry out graduate education innovation is graduate innovation education, which is the soul of graduate education quality. Since 2003, China has started the Graduate Education Innovation Plan and included in the Action Plan for the Revitalization of Education 2003-2007, which has made a beneficial exploration to the construction of the postgraduate education innovation system. The innovation system of graduate education refers to the specific region and social economic and cultural background in colleges and universities. Various main elements (institutions and organizations implementing graduate education innovation) and non-subject elements (the material conditions required for graduate education innovation) associated with graduate education innovation, as well as the coordination of the relationships among the various elements. The construction of graduate education innovation system should be based on the market mechanism. Grasp the unity of long-term and gradual, avoid convergence, highlight personality, open and cooperation and diversity principles. The operation of the innovation system of graduate education is a complicated process, in which there are many kinds of motive forces intertwined. The creation of innovation behavior is the result of the interaction of external and internal motive forces. On the basis of analyzing the influence of external macro environment and the problems existing in the innovation system of graduate education on the micro level, the effective elements should be selected. Pay attention to study the interactive mechanism among the elements, take various measures in the national level, graduate training institutions and graduate students' personal development, and construct the innovation system of graduate education. In this paper, the systematic method is used to study the innovation system construction of graduate education. The process of innovation system construction is actually a process of interaction of system elements. In addition, the paper also uses literature research, investigation, induction, comparative analysis and other research methods.
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