
发布时间:2018-03-22 15:58

  本文选题:信息技术 切入点:研究性学习 出处:《广西师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:从上世纪90年代末开始,研究性学习在我国的开展已超过15年。研究性学习最早出现在基础教育领域,从2000年开始逐渐在高等教育领域流行开来,越来越多的研究者开始关注大学生的研究性学习,但对于研究生的学习研究,国内的研究者并不多。在信息技术环境下,教育技术、网络资源为研究生开展研究性学习提供了极大的便利。为了进一步在研究生群体中深化和推广研究性学习,更好地使用信息技术来辅助研究性学习,有必要了解信息技术环境下研究生的研究性学习现状。本研究在调查和访谈的基础上,力图发现研究生学习中存在的问题,然后对症下药,有针对性地提出解决问题的的对策,以期为提高研究生的学习效率尽自己的一份微薄之力,同时也为高校教育行政主管部门提供科学、客观、合理的决策依据。 本研究共包括六个部分: 第一章绪论。首先,对本研究的研究缘起、研究目的、研究意义和研究方法作了简要的概述;其次,文献综述部分介绍了国内外有关研究性学习的开展情况、研究生的研究性学习以及信息技术与研究性学习整合的研究现状;最后,对本文的重要相关概念包括“信息技术”、“研究性学习”、“信息技术环境下的研究性学习”、以及“研究生研究性学习”作出了界定。 第二章理论基础。介绍了本研究的理论基础,包括建构主义学习理论、情境学习理论、多元智能理论以及传播学理论。 第三章调查设计与实施。本研究选取桂林地区三所高校(桂林理工大学、桂林电子科技大学、广西师范大学)的研究生作为问卷调查对象,并通过访谈法对部分研究生的研究性学习情况进行了调研。 第四章现状分析和问题透视。对当前存在的主要问题进行了分析和讨论,包括学习满意度不高、信息素养水平偏低、学习资源分配不均、缺乏导师的指导以及研究性不突出等,并对问题的成因进行了深入的剖析。 第五章策略。针对调查中所发现的问题从三个方面提出了促进和改善研究生研究性学.习的策略:提高信息素养是关键;完善外部资源是基础;转变学习观念是核心。 第六部分小结。总结了本研究的研究成果,分析了本研究存在的局限,并指出了今后研究努力的方向。
[Abstract]:Since the end of 1990s, research learning has been carried out in China for more than 15 years. Research learning first appeared in the field of basic education, and gradually became popular in the field of higher education since 2000. More and more researchers are beginning to pay attention to the research-oriented learning of college students, but there are not many researchers in China for the study of graduate students. In the information technology environment, educational technology, Network resources provide great convenience for graduate students to carry out research-based learning. In order to further deepen and promote research-oriented learning among graduate students, and make better use of information technology to assist research-based learning, It is necessary to understand the current situation of graduate students' research-oriented learning in the information technology environment. On the basis of investigation and interviews, this study tries to find out the problems existing in graduate students' study, and then puts forward some countermeasures to solve the problems. In order to improve the study efficiency of graduate students to do their own modest strength, but also for the university education administrative departments to provide scientific, objective, reasonable decision-making basis. This study consists of six parts:. The first chapter is introduction. First, the research origin, research purpose, research significance and research methods are briefly summarized. Secondly, the literature review part introduces the development of research learning at home and abroad. Research status of graduate students' research study and integration of information technology and research learning; finally, The important concepts of this paper include "information technology", "research-based learning", "research-based learning in the information technology environment", and "postgraduate research-based learning". The second chapter introduces the theoretical basis of this study, including constructivism learning theory, situational learning theory, multiple intelligences theory and communication theory. In the third chapter, the author chooses the graduate students of three universities (Guilin University of Technology, Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology, Guangxi normal University) as the survey objects. And through the interview method to some graduate student's research study situation has carried on the investigation. Chapter four analyzes and discusses the main problems, including low learning satisfaction, low level of information literacy, uneven distribution of learning resources. Lack of tutors guidance and research is not prominent, and the causes of the problem are deeply analyzed. In chapter five, the strategies are put forward to promote and improve the research sex science of graduate students from three aspects: improving information literacy is the key; perfecting external resources is the foundation; changing the learning concept is the core. The sixth part summarizes the research results, analyzes the limitations of this study, and points out the direction of future research.


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