摘要 以OpenAIRE-COAR2014年会的基本情况为背景,介绍全球范围内开放获取运动的最新发展,包括开放获取生态系统涉及到的联盟、机构、其他参与方及其项目的进展,开放获取涉及的多元化和多样性的主题和内容。同时,思考全球尤其是欧洲的开放获取运动的进展和路径为中国开放获取运动的发展所带来的影响、促进以及启示。
Abstract: Within the context of 2014 OpenAIRE-COAR annual conference, the paper introduced the latest developments of open access movement globally, including the national and international alliances, institutions, and other stakeholders and participants involved actively in the OA ecosystem, as well as the forefront and development of initiatives and projects tackling with the various and diverse topics and contents of OA. Finally, it discussed the impact, stimulation and inspiration of global trends of OA development, especially in Europe, on the China’s OA movement.
Key words:
通讯作者: 聂华 E-mail: hnie@lib.pku.edu.cn
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