[Abstract]:Today in the 21 century, information is permeating every corner with its unprecedented situation, changing people's original way of life. As a potential force in the field of scientific research in China, graduate students need to use information resources to expand their knowledge reserves, and rely on critical thinking to deepen academic research, in which it is particularly important to have good information literacy. To a certain extent, the level of information literacy of graduate students not only determines their own innovation consciousness and scientific research ability, but also affects the level of talent training in colleges and universities, and then relates to the construction of national innovative talent system. In recent years, it has been pointed out that the quality of graduate education has declined, one of the important manifestations is the lack of information literacy of graduate students. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to strengthen the cultivation of graduate students' information literacy and further enhance their information literacy. Based on the problem of information literacy of graduate students in China, this paper puts forward a solution to the characteristics of graduate students. First of all, starting from the research background, the concept of information literacy of graduate students is determined, and on this basis, the connotation of information literacy of graduate students is explained, and the information concept, information ability, information will of the connotation are combed. Information character and other elements. Secondly, through the analysis of the present situation of information literacy of graduate students, the author points out that there are some problems of information literacy, such as weak information concept, insufficient information ability, weak information will, poor information character and so on. Thirdly, this paper probes into and reflects on the influencing factors of graduate students' information literacy, such as multicultural environment, tutors' guidance, curriculum teaching, library education and graduate students' information literacy. Finally, based on the actual situation of information literacy of graduate students in China, combining the theory of information dissemination, the theory of constructivism and the theory of social learning, this paper systematically constructs the cultivation strategy of information literacy of graduate students in China. It includes the guidance of environmental edification utility, the integration of curriculum teaching scheme, the optimization of library resources, the search for graduate students' independent learning, and the prospect of further research.
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