[Abstract]:Graduate degree authorization audit is an important part of graduate education system. "Service demand, improve quality" is the reform idea of graduate degree authorization audit system in China now and in a period of time to come. However, the practice of degree authorization audit is difficult to meet the requirements of "service demand, improve quality". There are some problems in colleges and universities, such as blind application, increasing the scale of subject points, etc., which lead to waste of resources and quality crisis. In this study, 38 out of 68 academic committee members of the State Council were interviewed in a semi-structured way, and the results were analyzed by qualitative analysis software Nvivo8.0. The research results show that the academic degree committee members of the State Council agree with the concept of "service demand, improve quality", especially "improve quality" as the center of reform, and continue to improve the quality assurance and supervision system of degree authorization audit. It is necessary to optimize the structure and layout, perfect the internal and external quality assurance system, devolve power to provincial level office, adjust the subject catalogue and regularize the degree authorization audit, and so on. However, whether to achieve regional balance in optimizing the structure, whether quality assurance should be included in "third party assessment", who should be delegated authority and what powers should be delegated, whether the scale of graduate development should be expanded, and whether to face interdisciplinary development, There are some controversies on how to adjust the subject catalogue and whether the audit of degree authorization should be regularized. The modern degree authorization audit system should strike a proper balance between external demand and internal quality. Graduate degree authorization audit should do a good job in top-level design, construct a power and responsibility management system with clear boundaries, cooperation among the state, province (city) and universities, optimize the structure and scientific layout of graduate education, and improve the dynamic adjustment mechanism of authorization points. To alleviate the contradiction of regional graduate education's unbalanced development, to innovate the internal and external linkage quality guarantee system, to embody its characteristics of dynamic, rule of law, authority and normality, and to promote the high level development of graduate education.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学教育学部;
【基金】:教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“我国社会需求变化与学位授予体系发展前瞻研究”(15JZD041) 中国学位与研究生教育学会2015年度课题“学位授权审核办法改革方案研究”(A2-2015Y0605-001)
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