发布时间:2019-01-08 07:18
[Abstract]:The humanities and social sciences include the humanities and the social sciences, which are different from the natural sciences in the research object, the academic nature, the research task and so on, therefore the research method is not the same. The research method is the ship and bridge to complete the research task, and the method innovation is the ladder of academic progress. At present, there is a general lack of methodology consciousness for graduate students of humanities and social sciences in colleges and universities. Colleges and universities should set up methodology courses in all humanities and social sciences to help students improve their ability to find problems, refine problems, identify problems, analyze problems, solve problems, and make academic research more normative. Scientific and innovative.
【作者单位】: 江苏大学马克思主义学院;
[Abstract]:The humanities and social sciences include the humanities and the social sciences, which are different from the natural sciences in the research object, the academic nature, the research task and so on, therefore the research method is not the same. The research method is the ship and bridge to complete the research task, and the method innovation is the ladder of academic progress. At present, there is a general lack of methodology consciousness for graduate students of humanities and social sciences in colleges and universities. Colleges and universities should set up methodology courses in all humanities and social sciences to help students improve their ability to find problems, refine problems, identify problems, analyze problems, solve problems, and make academic research more normative. Scientific and innovative.
【作者单位】: 江苏大学马克思主义学院;
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