发布时间:2019-03-13 15:16
[Abstract]:As an innovative form of the engineering doctor's culture, the British Industrial Doctor Center (IDC) has a unique feature in the training of the engineering doctor. This paper first introduces the evolution of the project doctor's center plan, the positioning of the engineering doctor and the four important ways to influence the economic and social development, and then analyzes the cultivation idea and the training mode of the doctor's center in the engineering doctor based on the cooperative of the production science. The best practice in the aspects of quality control is to give full play to the cooperative innovation of the school and the enterprise in the strategic context of the "China Manufacturing 2025", and to provide the experience for the development of the innovative engineering doctor for reference.
【作者单位】: 北京邮电大学党委;教育部高水平学科特色型大学发展战略研究中心;北京邮电大学经济管理学院;
【基金】:教育部人文社会科学工程科技人才培养专项“面向行业的校企协同创新培养工程博士机制研究”(14JDGC001);教育部博士点学科专项科研基金(新教师类)“基于产学合作网络的大学知识溢出效应研究”(2013000512001) 北京邮电大学校定科研项目“国际化背景下专业学位研究生培养体系构建研究”的阶段成果
[Abstract]:As an innovative form of the engineering doctor's culture, the British Industrial Doctor Center (IDC) has a unique feature in the training of the engineering doctor. This paper first introduces the evolution of the project doctor's center plan, the positioning of the engineering doctor and the four important ways to influence the economic and social development, and then analyzes the cultivation idea and the training mode of the doctor's center in the engineering doctor based on the cooperative of the production science. The best practice in the aspects of quality control is to give full play to the cooperative innovation of the school and the enterprise in the strategic context of the "China Manufacturing 2025", and to provide the experience for the development of the innovative engineering doctor for reference.
【作者单位】: 北京邮电大学党委;教育部高水平学科特色型大学发展战略研究中心;北京邮电大学经济管理学院;
【基金】:教育部人文社会科学工程科技人才培养专项“面向行业的校企协同创新培养工程博士机制研究”(14JDGC001);教育部博士点学科专项科研基金(新教师类)“基于产学合作网络的大学知识溢出效应研究”(2013000512001) 北京邮电大学校定科研项目“国际化背景下专业学位研究生培养体系构建研究”的阶段成果
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