[Abstract]:"Postgraduate education" refers to a kind of high-level higher education, which is carried out on the basis of undergraduate education in an independent form and with academic research as the main purpose, and generally includes master's degree education and doctoral education. In this paper, "early Postgraduate Education in China" is taken as the research object. In space, due to the limitation of conditions, it is limited to mainland China, excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and schools include not only state universities, but also private universities and church universities. The concept of graduate education was first put forward in 1902 in the articles of Association of Qinding School (that is, "Nonyin School system") in China, and the concept of graduate education was first put forward in China. This period can be regarded as the early stage of graduate education from the establishment and admission of students by Tsinghua University Research Institute in 1929. During this period, through a series of academic systems, such as "setting the articles of association" (that is, "Guimao school system", 1904), "nonzi Gui ugliness school system" (1912-1913), the promulgation and implementation of the decree, graduate education has begun to mature in theory. In practice, St. John University graduated from M.D. in 1908 and set up a college (graduate school) in 1913. Sinian University graduated 12 masters in 1912 and was approved by the Ministry of Education. Soochow University graduated eight masters in 1917, including 2 masters of literature and 6 masters of science, 2 graduate students from Qilu University in 1917 and the right to grant master's degrees from Hujiang University in 1917. All five universities are church universities, and Tsinghua University is the first to carry out graduate education in domestic universities. Peking University established a research institute in the autumn of 1929. The school first conducted two research institutes of physics and foreign languages. In the summer of 1930, eight research institutes, such as Chinese literature and philosophy, were set up and began to recruit students. This is the first complete research institute established in the history of graduate education in our country, which marks the entry into the practical stage of graduate education in domestic universities, from which the graduate education in China is completely established. In recent years, with the expansion of graduate enrollment and graduate entrance examination has become a hot, a series of issues related to graduate education have gradually attracted the attention of the academic community, and a large number of monographs have been published. However, we know little about the specific situation of graduate education in China, and some problems need to be verified. Therefore, it is of great academic and practical significance to solve this problem. On the one hand, due to the lack of holistic and systematic research on early graduate education in China, some issues are still controversial. Therefore, the research of this topic can fill the academic gap to a certain extent. On the other hand, the high-level talents trained by graduate education have become an important driving force for the development of economy, politics, culture and so on in various countries. In today's international competition, high-level talents have increasingly become the focus and core of competition. How to develop and expand the scale of graduate education and improve the quality of graduate education is of far-reaching significance. This paper hopes to provide some experiences and lessons for graduate education through objective, comprehensive and systematic analysis.
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