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发布时间:2018-12-24 13:38
【摘要】:职业教育以就业为导向,直接面向职业岗位,在所有的教育类型中与区域经济发展联系最为密切,二者相互依存、相互促进,共同发展。职业教育的直接培养目标是为社会提供应用型、技术性人才。职业教育与区域经济发展的密切联系决定了职业教育在人才的培养,专业的设置上要符合区域产业特征,为区域经济的发展服务。 吉林省是我国的农业大省,其农业发展状况在整个经济结构中具有举足轻重的影响,而任何一种产业的发展最关键的因素是人才。因此本文以吉林省高职教育与吉林省农业发展的对接现状为研究核心,运用文献研究、比较分析、调查研究,数理统计等研究方法和技术,对吉林省农业发展状况、吉林省农业人才资源状况、吉林省高职院校的发展实际等进行严谨的调查分析。调查结果发现高职教育和区域产业结构的吻合度远远不够,导致现有劳动力知识、技能、观念、区域分布等不适应产业结构的变化,偏离了市场对人才的需求,与经济发展的实际需要脱节;某些高职院校在自身的建设和发展中存在盲目追求学历教育的现象,偏离了高职教育自身独特的建设发展道路。具体体现在农业人才在区域和部门分布上不合理,农民文化素质偏低,人才队伍结构及高职院校自身建设不合理等方面。 针对存在的问题,本文一方面总结吉林省农业发展和高职教育发展的有利条件,另一方面深入分析吉林省高职人才供给与农业人才需求间矛盾出现的原因。最后,结合国内外对人才结构与产业结构互动原理的研究经验及吉林省的实际情况,围绕校企合作,人才培养、专业设置、师资培养等方面,提出以高职教育促进吉林省农业发展的若干策略。
[Abstract]:Vocational education is employment-oriented and directly oriented to vocational posts. Among all types of education, vocational education is most closely related to regional economic development, and the two are interdependent, mutually promote and develop together. The direct training goal of vocational education is to provide applied and technical talents for the society. The close relationship between vocational education and regional economic development determines that vocational education should meet the characteristics of regional industry and serve the development of regional economy. Jilin Province is a big agricultural province in China, and its agricultural development has a decisive influence in the whole economic structure, and the most critical factor for the development of any kind of industry is talent. Therefore, this paper takes the current situation of higher vocational education and agricultural development in Jilin Province as the core of the research, using literature research, comparative analysis, investigation, mathematical statistics and other research methods and techniques, to the agricultural development of Jilin Province. The situation of agricultural talent resources in Jilin Province and the development of higher vocational colleges in Jilin Province are investigated and analyzed rigorously. The results show that the degree of consistency between higher vocational education and regional industrial structure is far from enough, resulting in the existing labor force knowledge, skills, concepts, regional distribution and other changes in the industrial structure, deviating from the market demand for talent. Divorced from the actual needs of economic development; Some higher vocational colleges have blindly pursued the education of academic qualifications in their own construction and development, which deviates from the unique way of construction and development of higher vocational education. It is embodied in the unreasonable distribution of agricultural talents in the regions and departments, the low cultural quality of farmers, the irrational structure of talents team and the construction of higher vocational colleges themselves. In view of the existing problems, on the one hand, this paper summarizes the favorable conditions for the development of agriculture and higher vocational education in Jilin Province, on the other hand, deeply analyzes the causes of the contradiction between the supply of talents and the demand for agricultural talents in Jilin Province. Finally, combining the domestic and foreign research experience on the interaction principle of talent structure and industrial structure and the actual situation of Jilin Province, focusing on the cooperation between schools and enterprises, talent training, professional setting, teacher training, etc. This paper puts forward some strategies to promote the agricultural development of Jilin Province by higher vocational education.


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