职业教育项目课程的内涵、原理与开发_职教论文-职教文章开发 职教 论文 原理 内涵 项目 课程 职业教育
【作 者】徐国庆
【作者简介】徐国庆,华东师范大学教育科学学院副教授,博士。(上海 200062)
【摘 要 题】本期关注
【英文摘要】Project-based curriculum is one of the curriculum models which target is to make students learn the whole work process by typical product-based or service-based exercise. This model is not only different from skill training curriculum, but also different from task-based curriculum. By using this curriculum model, the characteristics of higher vocational education can be built obviously and students can develop their competence efficiently. The principle of this curriculum can be concluded into connection theory, construction theory, integration theory and the outcome theory. In the development of this curriculum model, the teacher and the technician should interact intently, and the model of relation between task and project should be selected first.
【关 键 词】项目课程/内涵/原理/开发
project-based curriculum/definition/principle/development
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