[Abstract]:Preschool education is an important part of basic education, but preschool education in our country is in urgent need of development, and the phenomenon of educational injustice is becoming more and more prominent, which has become a problem that can not be ignored. The unfair phenomena in the field of preschool education are mainly manifested in the imbalance of the allocation of educational resources, the unequal opportunities for admission to the garden, the uneven quality of teachers, and the significant differences in the quality of education. Therefore, we must strengthen the support of national finance for early childhood education, perfect the management system of kindergarten teacher training, strengthen the legal construction of preschool education, pay attention to the early childhood education of vulnerable groups, and promote the healthy and sustainable development of preschool education in our country.
【作者单位】: 河南省舞钢市教师进修学校;
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