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发布时间:2018-01-02 19:37

  本文关键词:花溪大学城建设与区域可持续发展协调性评价 出处:《中国农业资源与区划》2017年02期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 大学城 城市边缘区 贵阳花溪 协调性评价 关联度

[Abstract]:[Objective] the construction of university town involves the local culture, education and economic development, and affects the local industrial structure and population scale. The university town collects the resources of higher education in an intensive way to improve the level of regional science and culture. To promote regional economic development. The planning and construction of university town in China is led by the government, planning, strong purpose, in the actual development process and the degree of regional coordination exists a lot of uncertainty. Considering such factors as construction cost and regional development, the location of university town is more and more inclined to the urban fringe. The main colleges and universities in Guizhou province are concentrated in Huaxi district, which is the Huaxi university town, on the edge of Guiyang city. Including the university gathering area, the science and technology pioneering park, the supporting service comprehensive area three big areas. [Methods] taking Huaxi University City as an example, the harmonious relationship between the university town and the regional sustainable development was analyzed by using the correlation degree calculation method based on the fuzzy mathematics statistics analysis through constructing the evaluation model of the coordination between the university town and the regional sustainable development. In view of the existing problems, the corresponding countermeasures are put forward. [Results] the results showed that the total annual consumption of resident population in Huaxi University City in recent 4 years, the total annual investment in infrastructure construction in the University City, and the total annual investment in the surrounding real estate and supporting facilities were three indicators. There was a significant positive correlation with the annual added value of the whole region's GDP, a high positive correlation with the annual added value of the second industry and the third industry. The average correlation coefficient between Huaxi University City and the whole region is 0.858, and the coordination is very high. Based on the regional economic theory, such as investment multiplier effect, industrial structure law, diamond model, etc. It is concluded that Huaxi University Town plays an important role in promoting economic growth, upgrading of industrial structure and improvement of industrial competitiveness in Huaxi District. [Conclusion: the geomorphology of the study area is a typical karst mountain area. The problems of coordinated development in the future include large scale of construction land, high construction cost, large capital demand and distance from Guiyang urban area. The conclusion is that the planning and construction of university town should be adapted to the local conditions, and the cultural tourism industry should be moderately developed by building a regional urban complex with cultural and educational industry as the center. Strengthen cooperation with other scientific research institutions to promote the coordinated and sustainable development of Huaxi University City and the region.
【作者单位】: 贵州大学喀斯特环境与地质灾害防治教育部重点实验室;贵州科学院山地资源研究所;河北师范大学资源与环境科学学院;浙江农林大学环境与资源学院;
【正文快照】: 0引言在某一区域内,由一定数量的高等学校共同集聚在一起而形成的以高等教育为主要功能、以资源共享为区域特征、文化载体高度集中的城市社区称为大学城[1]。大学城建设发展涉及地区高等教育、经济发展和文化建设,影响区域产业结构及人口规模。国外大学城在上世纪早期就已形成


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