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发布时间:2018-01-03 18:05

  本文关键词:江苏新兴城市房地产金融支撑研究 出处:《广西大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 江苏 新兴城市 房地产业 金融支撑

【摘要】:2012年3月在仲量联行发布的《中国新兴城市50强》的报告中,江苏省有6座城市榜上有名,分别是南京、苏州、无锡、常州、南通和徐州。所谓“新兴城市”就是指那些经济相对发达、发展迅速且潜力无穷,自身已拥有较为完善的现代城市体系和工业体系,对外开放程度较高或是对外开放度正在逐步提高的城市,同时,这些城市往往还具有自身独特的地缘优势或是国家持续的扶持政策。本文之所以选择江苏新兴城市作为研究对象是因为这些城市所在的区域,其日后房地产业的发展前景和空间是广阔的,而且这些区域自身经济的发展对房地产行业的依存指数相对较大,如果房地产业不能健康有序发展,将会制约这些区域经济的快速增长。 由于金融在房地产业发展过程中的重要作用,并且从现实情况来看,房地产业的健康有序发展离不开金融的支持,因此,为了促进江苏省新兴城市房地产业的健康发展,本文从金融支撑的角度提出了具有针对性的政策建议。 本文首先以房地产金融理论来搭建本文的理论框架,通过分析房地产金融的作用和重要性,进一步对金融影响房地产业的作用机制以及房地产金融市场的运营模式进行了分析。其次,本文考察了江苏新兴城市房地产业的发展现状,找出了这些城市房地产业发展过程中存在的问题,在此基础上,进一步考察了金融对江苏新兴城市房地产业发展的支撑情况,发现金融支撑力度不够,还存在诸如房地产开发缺乏稳定的资金供给、房地产融资渠道单一、房地产金融相关法律法规不健全以及房地产贷款的征信系统发展滞后等问题。最后,针对房地产市场发展和金融支撑存在的问题,本文提出了江苏省新兴城市房地产业健康发展的金融支撑策略,具体包括五个方面:一是实施差别化的信贷政策优化房地产需求结构:二是增强房地产金融市场的外部干预;三是培养居民积极正确的消费观念;四是加强房地产金融市场的监督管理工作;五是进一步改进和创新微观的房地产金融业务。
[Abstract]:In March 2012 the new city Chinese Jones Lang LaSalle < 50 > in the report, Jiangsu province has 6 city on the list are Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Changzhou, Nantong and Xuzhou. The so-called "new city" refers to the relatively developed economy, the rapid development and great potential, has its own relatively perfect the modern city system and industrial system, the opening degree is higher or the opening of the city is gradually improving, at the same time, the city often also has its own unique geographical advantages or countries continue to support policies. This paper chooses Jiangsu city as the research object is emerging because of the city area, the day after the development prospects the real estate industry and the space is vast, and the dependency index of its economic development in these areas of the real estate industry is relatively large, if the real estate industry is not healthy The development of order will restrict the rapid growth of these regional economies.
Because of the important role of Finance in the process of the real estate development, and from the reality of the situation, the real estate industry healthy and orderly development cannot do without the financial support, therefore, in order to promote the healthy development of the new city real estate industry of Jiangsu Province, this article from the Perspective of financial support to put forward targeted policy recommendations.
This paper begins with the theoretical framework of real estate finance theory to build this, through the analysis of the role and importance of real estate finance, further the operation mode of the mechanism of the real estate industry and real estate financial market financial impact is analyzed. Secondly, this paper examines the development situation of Jiangsu new city real estate, find out the existing the city real estate industry problems in the development process, on this basis, further study of the financial support of Jiangsu new city real estate development, financial support is not enough, there still exist such as real estate development lack of a stable supply of funds, real estate financing channels for a single, real estate finance and related laws and regulations are not perfect real estate loans lagged behind the development of credit system etc. Finally, aiming at the development of the real estate market and the financial support of the problem, this paper puts forward the The financial support strategy of Jiangsu Province emerging city healthy development of the real estate industry, including five aspects: one is to optimize the structure of real estate needs to implement differentiated credit policy: two is to strengthen the external intervention in the real estate financial market; three is to train the residents to actively correct consumption concept; the four is to strengthen the real estate financial market the supervision and management work; five is the further improvement and innovation of the micro business of real estate finance.



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