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发布时间:2018-01-03 22:28

  本文关键词:基于知识管理原理的施工评标办法分析及应用研究 出处:《湖南大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 建筑工程 评标办法 知识管理 过程模型 标准差理论 显著性检验

【摘要】:建筑工程施工招投标是招投标中的一个重要和常见的类别,而关于它的评标办法研究也层出不穷。从以往的文献中可以看到,绝大多数评标办法的研究分析方法均基于层次分析法理论,取得了一些不错的成果,但在实践中却很难得到运用。因此本文想通过其它思路对建筑工程招投标评标办法进行研究,得出一个简单、易操作且相比现今使用的评标办法更加合理一些的评标办法。 本文综述了招投标这个交易方式在国内外的发展状况,着重介绍了招投标的基本概念和我国建设工程领域的招投标制度发展历程,并引出招投标的重要部分:评标办法,本文在详细描述研究对象情况和特点、提出本文的研究目的、研究方法和研究思路的基础上,主要开展了以下研究: 1.对上述建筑工程评标办法的研究运用创新性思路,提出了知识管理的概念,介绍了知识管理原理的概念和大致发展历程。结合国外先进理论和我国近年研究成果,着重介绍了基于迈克尔·波特价值链分析框架的知识管理系统模型和张晓东等人的知识管理模型分析理论,根据这些模型的特点与建筑工程评标办法这个研究对象的特色,选取了知识管理过程模型,将其与评标办法研究相结合,最终提出了使用知识管理过程模型分析评标办法的框架。 2.根据基于知识管理过程模型的建筑工程评标办法研究框架,按照知识获取、知识分析、知识创新和知识应用的流程,辅以标准差理论和正态分布显著性检验方法,对全国范围内选取的20个不同省市建筑工程招投标评标办法样本进行系统的研究。先通过收集知识因素的方式将样本内容量化,再使用标准差理论分析所有样本中哪些超出了标准差范围值,即可初步判定为不合理。结果表明,以全国评标办法为总体时,绝大多数样本处在划分的合理范围之中,少量样本超过范围,因此可以认为总体服从正态分布。基于这个认知,其后知识创新步骤中,使用正态分布显著性检验的方法筛选出既区别于原数据又在合理范围内的各知识因素分值,归纳起来得到了本文研究成果,即创新建筑工程评标办法。 3.选取了一个实际房地产招标项目,对比分析使用创新评标办法的模拟评标结果与使用湖南省评标办法的实际评标结果,表明创新评标办法相比现有的更加精细,从评分上看各投标人之间差距缩小,,竞争更加激烈,同时最终招标结果并未改变,说明创新评标办法既保证了招标公平性、正确性,又考察了投标人的更多素质,更加具有全面性和科学性。
[Abstract]:The construction of construction project is an important and common category in the bid invitation and bidding , and the research on its bid evaluation method is not very poor . From the previous literature , it can be seen that the research and analysis methods of most bid evaluation methods are based on the analytic hierarchy process theory and have achieved some good results , but in practice it is difficult to get the application . Therefore , this paper tries to study the method of bid evaluation and bid evaluation by other ideas , and obtains a simple , easy operation and more reasonable evaluation method than the evaluation method used nowadays . This paper reviews the development of bidding and bidding in China at home and abroad , emphatically introduces the basic concept of bidding and the development course of China ' s bidding system in China ' s construction project , and draws out the important part of bidding and bidding : the evaluation method . Based on the detailed description of the research object and characteristics , this paper puts forward the research aim , research method and research thinking of this paper , and mainly carries out the following research : 1 . The concept of knowledge management is introduced and the concept of knowledge management is introduced . The knowledge management model of knowledge management system model and Zhang Xiaodong , which is based on the analysis framework of Michael Porter ' s value chain , is introduced in this paper . According to the characteristics of these models and the characteristics of the research object of Zhang Xiaodong et al . Based on knowledge acquisition , knowledge analysis , knowledge innovation and knowledge application , the paper makes a systematic study on the sample of 20 different provinces and cities selected in the whole country by collecting the knowledge factors . The results show that the most samples are in the reasonable range of the division , and only a small number of samples exceed the range , so that the scores of each knowledge factor which are different from the original data and within the reasonable range are screened by using standard deviation theory . 3 . A real real estate bidding project is selected , and the results of the simulation and evaluation of the innovative bid evaluation method are compared with the actual evaluation results using the evaluation method of Hunan Province .



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