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发布时间:2018-01-04 04:06

  本文关键词:房地产“功能型定位”理论的提出与实证检验 出处:《广西大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 功能型定位 多重性 层次分析法 定位风险 超计划总价增值率

【摘要】:中国房地产业经过二十年的发展,在我国国民经济中占有越来越重要的地位,成为了重要的支柱性产业。近年来,尽管房地产市场上存在着供需结构性矛盾部分地区房价过高等问题,但随着我国城镇化进程的加快,以解决人们刚性住房需求为主导的房地产业仍在稳定增长。但是,房地产的开发与经营毕竟有着其自然的经济规律。在经过相当长一段时期的高速增长之后,房地产市场的平衡期甚至衰退期终将到来。 当房地产行业的平衡期甚至衰退期到来的时候,对房地产商而言,项目开发的各种风险将变得极为突出。和销售风险、财务风险、政策风险等风险相比,项目定位的风险更加举足轻重。然而,传统的项目定位仅仅从开发商的角度,确定目标销售人群在客户群体消费特征的基础上,寻找项目的核心控制力和稳定利润点,使项目具有独特的市场定位。因此,基于传统项目定位制定的销售单元内控价格和整个价格体系具有单一性,而没有基于购买者源于各自不同的买房用途,来对销售单元制定相应的内控价格区间。在销售阶段,这种内控价格体系缺乏足够的灵活性,不能根据市场变化尤其是购买者消费者偏好的变化而相应作出调整。 不同于开发商视角下的“项目定位”理论,本文原创性地提出了购买者视角下的“功能型定位”理论。并认为,存在着不同的消费者需求,也就存在着不同的“功能型定位”,即功能型定位具有多重性。 本文试图从购买者不同使用意图的角度,通过层次分析法来分别量化不同功能型房源的各种影响因子的权重,并基于房地产业常用的销售内控价格体系模型,制定出整个项目销售单元的内控价。 本文在功能型定位多重性的基础上,提出了当房地产市场处于极度旺盛的环境下,每个销售单元均按照最有利的功能属性的价格售出,从而导致整个房地产项目的销售总价高于原销售计划的总价,其差值定义为“超计划总价增值额”,而增值额和原计划总价的比值,定义为“超计划总价增值率”。本概念从“功能型定位“的角度很好地解释了在整个市场极为兴旺的环境下,房地产开发商能取得比原先期望值更高的超额利润的原因。 “超计划总价增值额”和“超计划总价增值率”对房地产开发商来说,具有一定的指导意义,即在市场最有利的情景下,从购买者的视角来评价房地产商能实现利润最大化的程度。除此之外,这个概念对房地产销售代理公司来说,意义更加重大。房地产销售代理公司可以通过这两个数值,对能否承接市场上的楼盘销售项目以及预期利润的大小直接进行定量评价。 同时本文也提出了,当市场处于极度不景气的环境下,每个销售单元都被迫按照最不利的功能属性的价格售出,导致整个房地产项目的销售总价有可能低于开发成本。当销售总价尚不能补偿其开发成本时,其差额部分定义为基于功能型多重性的“定位风险”。 功能型多重性的“定位风险”对房地产开发商来说,具有较大的指导意义,即从购买者买房用途的角度来判定项目开发是否具有风险,以及所要承担的风险最大程度是多少。同时,在房地产的销售阶段,内控价格不再是业界通常使用的唯一价格,而变成了一个基于“功能型”多重性测算的价格区间。在这个区间中的任何一个价格都是合理的,并根据销售过程中动态指标的变化而调整。 最后,本文通过某房地产项目的改造方案,确认了该方案的功能型定位存在着三重性,并藉此计算出了每套销售单元不同的价格定位,以及就市场处于极端有利和极端不利的情景下,计算出了相应的“超计划总价增值额”、“超计划总价增值率”和“定位风险”的数值。 通过实证检验,证明了“功能型定位”理论的合理性,以及基于功能型定位的“超额收益”和“定位风险”是客观存在并可以量化的。
[Abstract]:After 20 years of development , China ' s real estate industry occupies an increasingly important position in our national economy , and has become an important pillar industry . In recent years , the real estate market has its natural economic law . However , after a long period of high - speed growth , the equilibrium period and even decline of the real estate market will come . When the balance period of the real estate industry is even in decline , the risks of the project development will become extremely prominent . Compared with the risks of sales risk , financial risk and policy risk , the risk of project positioning is more important . However , the traditional project positioning is based on the consumption characteristics of the customer group . Therefore , the internal control price of the sales unit and the whole price system based on the traditional project positioning have the unique market position . Therefore , the internal control price system of the sales unit based on the traditional project positioning lacks enough flexibility to adjust accordingly according to the change of the market change , especially the consumer preference of the purchaser . Different from the theory of " project positioning " from the perspective of developers , this paper puts forward the theory of " functional positioning " in the perspective of the purchaser , and believes that there are different consumer demands , and there are different " functional positioning " , that is , the functional positioning has multiplicity . In this paper , the weights of various influencing factors of different functional types of real estate are quantified by means of analytic hierarchy process , and the internal control price of the whole project sales unit is worked out based on the common sales internal control price system model commonly used in real estate industry . Based on the multiplicity of functional positioning , this paper puts forward that when the real estate market is in an extremely prosperous environment , each sales unit is sold according to the most favorable function attribute , which leads to the total sale price of the whole real estate item higher than the total price of the original sales plan , and the difference is defined as the value - added value of the super plan . In addition , this concept is of great significance to real estate developers . In addition , this concept is of great significance to real estate sales agents . In addition , the concept is of great significance to real estate sales agents . At the same time , this paper also puts forward that when the market is in an extremely depressed environment , each sales unit is forced to sell at the price of the most unfavorable functional attribute , which may result in the total sale price of the whole real estate project possibly lower than the development cost . When the total price of the sales cannot compensate for its development cost , the difference part is defined as the " location risk " based on the function type multiplicity . Functional multiplicity " location risk " is of great significance to real estate developers , which is to determine whether the project development has the risk and the maximum risk to be undertaken from the perspective of the buyer ' s purchase purpose . At the same time , in the sales phase of the real estate , the internal control price is no longer the only price normally used by the industry , and becomes a price interval based on the " functional " multiplicity calculation . Any price in this interval is reasonable and adjusted according to the change of the dynamic index in the sales process . Finally , through the transformation scheme of a real estate project , the paper confirms that the functional positioning of the scheme is triple , and accordingly calculates the price positioning of each unit of sales unit , and calculates the corresponding value of " overplanned total value added value " , " overplanned total value added rate " and " location risk " in the situation that the market is extremely favorable and extremely unfavorable . Through the empirical test , the rationality of " functional positioning " theory is proved , and the " excess return " and " location risk " based on functional positioning are objective and quantifiable .



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