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发布时间:2018-01-04 05:25

  本文关键词:收入分配不平等与商品房价格之间的关系研究 出处:《浙江工业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 商品房价格 收入分配不平等 因子分析 面板回归模型

【摘要】:商品房价格与居民收入分配不平等之间的关系是房地产经济学领域中一个值得研究的重要问题。近些年,我国收入分配不平等的加剧与房价上涨呈现着一致的发展趋势,而居民收入水平的提高跟不上房价上涨的速度,致使居民住房和收入问题已经成为社会关注的焦点,是影响社会和谐稳定和经济健康发展的重大隐患。深入分析收入分配不平等与商品房价格之间的关系,探讨两变量之间相互影响的实质,为政府持续有效的宏观调控提供一定的理论依据,对促进房地产市场的健康发展和缩小居民收入差距有着重要的理论和现实指导意义。 本文以全国26个省(市、自治区)1999-2011年的省际面板数据为基础,综合利用因子分析法和面板回归分析法,对我国商品房价格与居民收入分配平等性之间的关系进行计量检验。结果表明:房价与收入分配不平等有着双向互动的影响,且中等、高收入群体的可支配收入对房价产生了重要影响,这与理论假设完全一致。房价的变动和居民收入差距互为格兰杰因果原因。面板回归模型也显示收入差距会对房价上涨产生正向影响,房价的上涨也会对收入差距产生正向影响。低收入群体的可支配收入不是商品房价格变动的格兰杰原因,而中等、高收入群体收入是。面板回归分析也显示中等、高收入群体可支配收入对房价产生了正向影响,且高收入群体对房价影响更加显著。商品房价格与居民收入分配不平等的之间有着双向影响作用,政府应该合理的房地产政策和经济政策,有效的控制房价的快速上涨和居民收入差距的扩大。
[Abstract]:The relationship between housing price and household income inequality is an important problem in the field of real estate economics. In recent years, with the increasing prices of China's income distribution inequality increases with the development trend, and the increase of the income level can not keep up the pace of price increases, resulting in housing and residents income problem has become the focus of attention of the society, is the major risks affecting the healthy development of social harmony and stability and economy. Further analysis of the relationship between income inequality and the price of commercial housing, to explore the essence of the mutual influence between the two variables, provide a theoretical basis for government macro regulation continuously and effectively, to promote the healthy development of the real estate the market and has important theoretical and practical significance to narrow the income gap.
In this paper, the country's 26 provinces (municipalities, autonomous regions) 1999-2011 provincial panel data as the basis, the comprehensive use of factor analysis and regression analysis, on China's commercial housing prices and income distribution relations between the equality of the measurement test. The results show that prices and income inequality have an impact interactive medium and high income groups, the disposable income of residents has important influence, which is consistent with the hypothesis. The change in prices and income gap are Grainger causality. The panel regression model also shows that the income gap has a positive impact on housing prices, housing prices will have a positive effect on the income gap. Low income groups disposable income Grainger reasons, not commercial housing price changes and moderate income, high income groups. The panel regression analysis also showed moderate, high income In the group of disposable income on housing prices had a positive effect, and the effect of high income groups on the price of commercial housing price is more significant. And the inequality of income distribution has a two-way effect, the government should reasonable real estate policy and economic policy, expand the effective control prices rise rapidly and the income gap of residents.



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