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发布时间:2018-01-04 06:19

  本文关键词:城市住宅小区公共设施配套一体化设计研究 出处:《天津理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 配套设计 统筹规划 公共设施

【摘要】:繁华的房地产事业在中国快速发展,住宅小区的优秀规划设计更是层出不穷,人们的需求也在悄无声息的发生着变化。人们不再仅仅满足“有墙挡风有瓦遮雨”的原始住房需求,更多的是对高品质居住生活的追奉。我们希望在钢筋水泥的社会中寻找一方饱有幸福宁静、温馨快乐的居住净土,希望在惬意悠然的空间氛围体验实用与美学双重价值的心灵关怀。在这样需求的推动下,设计师们开始思考怎样给业主提供更加赏心悦目的精神体验,从内部户型结构到外部公共空间,都是刺激购房者购买欲望的设计突破口。历经房地产事业十多年的发展,建筑户型的设计已日趋成熟,所以营造形意生活的公共空间设施环境成为了设计的重中之重。但是我国的大部分城市住宅公共空间规划中都出现了不同程度的设计问题,在整体的公共空间规划中缺乏创新性、合理配比性、系统一体性,甚至在一些经济适用房建设中忽略对公共设施的规划、种类不完善,导致小区居民生活质量下降,这一系列设计弊端都给居民的生活状态和心理体验带来不悦。本论文针对小区公共空间配备的产品设施形态及规划提出全新的设计原则和方法。 课题着重通过分析现当代国内外住宅小区公共设施现状,并在市场调研总结的基础上得出具有实用性、突破性的设计原则——配套一体化设计原则。在此设计原则指导下,论文又进一步深入探讨了五种设计方法,分别是需求设计、主题设计、关联设计、兼容设计和显隐设计。所得出的这一套完整的理论体系既可使公共设施的设计与小区的定位理念相配套,又可使各个设施间保有内在的统筹规划性联系。让居民在花间绿氧中呼吸自然的气息、在休闲娱乐中体验对生活的尊崇、在与公共设施的交互行为中延续生态环境的有序发展。论文以全新的视点作用于设施设计,,集完善与景致之大美,以配套一体化所特有的设计语言演绎只有这个住宅区的居民才独有的专属精彩。论文中结合不同的实际案例将功能性、智能性、人性化等各种设计手段囊括其中。不仅对相关学术有推动作用并且对指导设施设计乃至规范整个小区的文化景观设计带来全新的创作灵感,为房地产开发行业提供科学合理的设计方向。
[Abstract]:The downtown real estate industry in the rapid development of Chinese, excellent planning and design of residential district is emerge in an endless stream, people's demand is also quietly changing. People no longer satisfy "wall wind shelter rain" of the original housing demand, more of a high quality living. We hope in the chase in the concrete society looking for a party full of happiness and quiet, warm and happy living land, hope to experience the spiritual care of practical and aesthetic value in the dual space atmosphere leisurely. In such demand, designers begin to think about how to give the owners to provide more pleasing spiritual experience, from inside the apartment layout structure to the external public space, are designed to stimulate buyers desire to buy a breakthrough. The real estate industry after more than 10 years of development, design and construction of the apartment layout has become increasingly mature, so the shape of the camp Italian life facilities public space environment has become a priority among priorities of design. But most of our city residential public space planning in the design problems of different degree, lack of innovation in the public space in the overall planning, reasonable ratio, system integration, and even in some affordable housing construction ignored on the planning of public facilities, imperfect types, resulting in decreased quality of life of residents, this series of drawbacks to living conditions and psychological residents experience unhappiness. This thesis puts forward the design principles and methods for the community public space with the product configuration and facilities planning.
This paper through the analysis of current situation of public facilities in domestic and foreign contemporary residential areas, based on Market Research and summarize in that practical design principles, breakthrough design integrated principle. The design principle under the guidance of this thesis, and further discusses the five design methods, namely demand design, theme design, association design, compatible design and the explicit and implicit design. This is a complete set of theory system can make the positioning concept design and public facilities district matching, and can make the overall planning of have inherent connection between these facilities. Let the residents in flowers green oxygen breathing in natural atmosphere, experience of life respect in leisure, orderly development of ecological environment in the continuation of interactive behavior and public facilities in the new role. To view in facility design, perfect and the beauty of the scenery, Design language to supporting the unique interpretation of the integration of this residential area residents not only unique exclusive wonderful. The combination of actual cases of different functional, intelligent, humane and other design methods which include. Not only has a role in promoting and guiding the facilities design and specification cultural landscape design in the whole area of the new the inspiration for the related academic, design scientific and reasonable direction for the development of real estate industry.



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1 权虹;城市住区公共设施的研究[D];清华大学;2004年

2 高力群;从语义层面透析产品仿生设计[D];苏州大学;2006年

3 谢翠琴;当代我国城市住宅小区景观小品设计艺术的多元化研究[D];北京林业大学;2008年

4 郭海霞;初探居住小区环境设计中文化特色的构建[D];西安建筑科技大学;2008年

5 周一沁;兰白城市基础设施一体化发展研究[D];兰州大学;2010年




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