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发布时间:2018-01-04 19:42

  本文关键词:C银行N支行住房按揭贷款风险控制研究 出处:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: C银行N支行 住房按揭贷款 风险

[Abstract]:For a long time, as a result of housing as collateral, real estate loans were once considered to be very small risk loans. However, in recent years, the real estate market in China has been booming, housing prices have also gone up all the way, at the same time. Under the guidance of the related mortgage interest rate policy, commercial banks also promote the development of the real estate industry. The rapidly rising house prices attract more and more investors to buy houses. The amount of housing loans accounts for a large part of bank loans, which makes some of the market risk and property bubble risk passed on to the banks. Therefore, commercial banks in the current economic situation. The risk control of housing loans must have a new understanding, new measures, effective prevention of real estate loans risk is not only related to the interests of commercial banks themselves. It is more related to the healthy and sustainable development of Chinese economy. The research on the risk management of housing mortgage loan in this paper is not only on the theoretical level, but also on the practical level of C Bank N Branch. It has practical significance for the risk management of the bank under the current housing loan situation, but also can be extended to other commercial banks in the same industry. Make the current situation of housing mortgage loans brought by the potential risk to be effectively controlled. This paper is based on the personal housing loan risk management based on the C Bank N branch of the actual business foundation. Mainly through the theoretical analysis, summarized the C Bank N Branch in housing mortgage loan risk management problems, analysis of the causes of the problem, and put forward appropriate C Bank N Branch risk management improvement recommendations. Improve the risk control ability of the whole branch in this business. There are a lot of risk points of housing mortgage loan. This paper focuses on the analysis of the key link of risk in the business, combined with the actual case analysis of the problem. This paper also proposes that C Bank N Branch should form an interbank risk management alliance with other interbank banks. So that there is a relatively uniform standard for housing mortgage risk management in the industry. At the same time, this paper adds an actual case to analyze the causes of the risk of housing mortgage loan business of C Bank N Branch. And in view of the C Bank N Branch in the housing mortgage loan business problems, put forward the latest improvement measures and suggestions, can improve the bank's housing loan risk management level. Under the new situation of the hot development of the domestic real estate market and the coexistence of the national macro-policy regulation and control, there is a certain timeliness and reference significance.


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