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发布时间:2018-01-04 22:32

  本文关键词:河南正商置业有限公司营销渠道模式研究 出处:《新疆大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产 营销渠道 模式研究 河南正商置业

[Abstract]:The real estate industry of our country is in a very important position in the development of the national economy, and in the process of the development of the national economy. The supply and demand situation of most real estate enterprises has gradually changed from the seller market to the buyer market. In recent years, the related policies of the real estate industry as the national regulation and guidance to the entire industry, on the one hand, related to the national economy and people's livelihood. On the one hand, related to economic development, there are more and more uncertainties, leading to the real estate development of the macro prospects are becoming more and more complex. However, the real estate industry, the real estate market in the process of development and change. China's real estate enterprises scientific, efficient marketing channel model has not been established, which not only to the healthy development of the real estate market has a certain impact. The development and expansion of real estate enterprises have also set obstacles. Nowadays, the overall supply of the real estate industry in China exceeds the demand, and because the real estate enterprises have failed to do a good job in market segmentation and product positioning. In the project marketing model, the research depth is not enough and meticulous enough, which makes the real estate market structure unbalance. In today's real estate market, if we want to improve the competitive advantage of real estate enterprises. Gain more market share and achieve healthy and sustainable development by building up corporate brands. It is necessary to construct and optimize the marketing channel model of real estate enterprises. This paper mainly studies the marketing channel model of Henan Zhengshang property and draws lessons from the theory of real estate marketing and channel management. Take Henan Zhengshang Real Estate Co., Ltd as an example, through the content of six chapters, the marketing channel model and its realization path are studied. The first chapter is the introduction. This paper introduces the way, purpose, important content and the whole idea of inquiry in detail, and puts forward the innovation and deficiency of the research. The second chapter is the relevant theoretical basis. It discusses the types, characteristics and processes of marketing channels and real estate marketing channels, and then discusses the relationship contract theory which is directly related to the research of this paper. The channel incentive theory and the channel conflict theory, at the same time, the domestic research present situation and the foreign development contrast, the purpose is to make the theory foundation for the later article marketing channel choice and the realization; The third chapter mainly analyzes the current situation of the marketing channel mode of Henan Zhengshang Real Estate Co., Ltd., and expounds the present situation and development process of Henan Zhengshang Real Estate Co., Ltd. The analysis and discussion of its marketing channel mode and the causes of its problems; Chapter 4th is the choice of the marketing channel model of Henan Zhengshang Real Estate Company. Mainly through the analysis of the characteristics of the three marketing channel models, choose the factors of different marketing models, and analyze the principles of choice. According to the needs of the development of real estate, this paper determines the choice of agent marketing channel mode and Internet marketing channel mode, and further analyzes the two channel models. Chapter 5th mainly puts forward the system construction and realization path of the marketing channel mode of Henan Zhengshang real estate company, and puts forward some opinions and ideas for the system construction and realization path of agent marketing and network marketing channel mode. Chapter 6th is the conclusion and prospect of the research. It clarifies the mode of choosing the marketing channel of Henan Zhengshang real estate and the way to realize it. The paper looks forward to the direction of further research on the reconstruction of marketing mode and the further integration of marketing model.


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