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发布时间:2018-01-06 01:22

  本文关键词:广州市“刚需型”住区景观建设控制研究 出处:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 广州市 景观建设 “刚需型”住区

【摘要】:近十年来,国家不断出台各种房地产调控政策。2013年,新“国五条”出台,,在大力抑制投资投机性需求的同时,提出努力增加供应,尤其是适合"刚需型"需求的中低价位、中小套型普通商品房以及保障性住房供应。要维持房地产市场的长期平稳健康发展,必须支持普通百姓的"刚需型"住房需求。 在国家的相关政策条文中,没有“刚需”一词。它是房地产开发商在营销过程中产生的一个名词。从字面理解,“刚需”就是"刚需型"需求,以自住为首要条件。“刚需型”住宅,多指能满足首次置业需求和首次改善需求的住宅住区,这也是近几年内支撑中国住宅市场快速发展的动力。 本文选取4个广州市“刚需型”住宅住区、1个双限房住宅住区、1个高端住宅住区为研究对象,结合广州“刚需型”住宅的具体情况,对广州市“刚需型”住区景观建设现状进行初步调研,定位与“刚需型”住宅相匹配的景观品质标准,总结广州大型房地产开发商“刚需型”住区景观建设控制的成功经验,期望能为国内“刚需型”住区景观建设提供参考和借鉴。文章的成果如下: 第1章绪论部分首先在国家严控房地产的背景下,系统阐述了国内“刚需型”住区景观建设现状,提出研究问题的现实意义和实际目的,对论文的研究意义、研究内容、研究方法、相关理论综述及重要概念进行界定。 第2章三种类型住宅住区景观建设比较,包括“刚需型”住宅、双限房住宅、高端住宅,调研广州同一发展商的不同定位住区,分别从景观定位、景观配置、园林技术指标、景观成本与品质控制要点等方面收集相关数据和图纸资料,初步提炼总结“刚需型”住区独特的景观特点。 第3章广州市“刚需型”住区住区景观建设情况调研,选取广州有代表性房地产公司的“刚需型”住区调研,收集各公司已有的“刚需型”住区景观建设研究成果。调研案例分别位于荔湾区、白云区、黄埔区,距离广州市城市中心由近及远,比较位于城市不同区位的“刚需型”住宅景观建设的异同点。 第4章广州“刚需型”住区景观建设特点总结,通过2、3章的调研数据,归纳总结广州“刚需型”住区景观建设控制要点,包括设计质量控制、建造成本控制、工程质量控制、维护保养。在设计质量控制方面,提出“刚需型”住宅景观模块库的建立和活动空间设计要点;在建造成本控制方面,从立项阶段、设计阶段、招标阶段总结相应的成本控制要点;在工程质量控制方面,分别从施工质量控制和施工品质控制两方面阐述,为快速、高效建设“刚需型”住宅景观工程提供实例支持;在维护保养方面,从园建、绿化、水景等方面详细描述“刚需型”住区景观养护标准。 第5章结语部分总结了论文研究的最终结论和实际意义,总结广州“刚需型”住区景观建设控制思路,对其未来的发展方向提出初步探讨,希望对“刚需型”住区景观建设控制有所帮助。
[Abstract]:In the past ten years, the state has introduced a variety of real estate control policies for.2013 years, the new country five introduced, to curb speculative investment demand at the same time, put forward to increase the supply, especially suitable for "just need to" demand for low-cost, small and medium-sized ordinary commercial housing and affordable housing supply and long-term development. To maintain a stable and healthy real estate market, must support the ordinary people "just need to type" housing needs.
In the relevant policy provisions of the country, not just a word. It is a term of real estate developers in the marketing process. Literally, "just" is "just" demand to home for the first condition. "Just need to type" residential, which can to meet the demand for first-time buyers and first needs to improve residential residential area, which is in recent years the rapid development of Chinese support the housing market.
This paper selects 4 Guangzhou city "just need to type" residential settlements, 1 double limit housing settlements, 1 high-end residential residential area as the research object, combined with the specific circumstances of Guangzhou "just need to type" residential status, landscape construction of Guangzhou city "just need to" live the preliminary research, landscape the quality standard of positioning and "just need to type" residential matching, the successful experience of landscape construction control summary of Guangzhou large real estate developers "just need to" live, hoping to provide reference for landscape construction for domestic "just need to" live. The results are as follows:
The first chapter in the country strictly controlling the real estate under the background of the system, this paper expounds the construction of landscape in the area of domestic "just need to type, put forward practical significance to research and practical purposes, research methods and the research significance, the research content of the thesis, and defines the related theory overview and important concepts.
The second chapter of the three types of residential living more area landscape construction, including "just need to type" residential, double limit housing, high-end residential, residential area of different positioning research Guangzhou the same developers, from the position of landscape, landscape garden landscape configuration, technical index, cost and quality control key points to collect relevant data and drawings. Data, landscape features unique preliminary summary "just need to" live.
The third chapter of Guangzhou city "just need to type" residential housing construction landscape research area, research selected Guangzhou representative of the Real Estate Company "just need to" live, collection of the company has "just need to type" residential landscape construction research results. The research cases are located in Liwan District, Baiyun District, Whampoa銆




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