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发布时间:2018-01-06 06:39

  本文关键词:大型房地产开发企业集中采购动机及决策研究 出处:《重庆大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 大型房地产开发企业 集中采购 动机 决策研究

【摘要】:随着房地产行业竞争日益激烈,我国房地产开发企业逐渐向规模化、跨区域开发的方向发展,形成了集团化的发展模式,往往同时运行几个或者几十个项目。因此,集中采购的效益对大型房地产开发企业抢占市场份额,提高核心竞争力起着至关重要的作用。然而,由于国内关于大型房地产开发企业集中采购的研究较少,实践比较欠缺,难免会存在很多问题,,尤其是“哪些材料及设备适合纳入集中采购范围”这一问题一直困扰着许多大型房地产开发企业,故针对大型房地产开发企业,在分析集中采购动机的基础上,从集中采购存在的问题入手,对材料及设备是否纳入集中采购范围进行决策研究,具有非常重要的实践意义。 本文首先通过文献调查研究,对集中采购的相关理论以及大型房地产开发企业采购的特点、模式进行了介绍,同时还分析了集中采购与分散采购的区别,并研究了在采购面临一系列挑战及传统分散采购模式存在许多问题的环境下,大型房地产开发企业实行集中采购的动机。然后从集中采购存在的问题入手,对一直困扰众多大型房地产开发企业的“无法决策哪些材料及设备适合纳入集中采购的范围”这一问题进行了深入的研究,建立了集中采购决策指标体系,并在调查问卷结果分析的基础上,运用层次分析法确定了各级指标的权重,构建了基于模糊综合评价法的集中采购决策模型。最后,运用决策模型对工程中常见的几种材料及设备是否适合纳入万科的集中采购范围进行了决策。 通过本文研究得出如下结论:①不同的大型房地产开发企业实行集中采购有不同的动机。一般而言,实行集中采购的动机包括:品牌营销、节约成本、规范采购、“集中”权利、优质的服务质量、内部信息交换、优化资源配置、更好的产品质量、知识管理;②基于集中采购决策模型,认为电梯、涂料、外墙面砖、洁具、防盗门适合纳入万科的集中采购范围。
[Abstract]:With the increasingly fierce competition in the real estate industry, Chinese real estate development enterprises are gradually developing towards the direction of large-scale, cross-regional development, forming a development model of collectivization. Often run several or dozens of projects at the same time.Therefore, the efficiency of centralized purchasing plays a vital role in seizing market share and improving core competitiveness of large real estate development enterprises. Due to the lack of domestic research on centralized procurement of large real estate development enterprises, it is inevitable that there will be a lot of problems. In particular, "which materials and equipment are suitable to be included in the scope of centralized procurement" has been puzzling many large real estate development enterprises, so for large real estate development enterprises, on the basis of analysis of centralized purchasing motivation. Starting with the problems existing in centralized procurement, it is of great practical significance to study whether materials and equipment should be included in the scope of centralized procurement. Firstly, this paper introduces the relevant theories of centralized procurement and the characteristics and patterns of large-scale real estate development enterprises through literature research. At the same time, it analyzes the difference between centralized procurement and decentralized procurement. Under the circumstances of a series of challenges and many problems in the traditional decentralized procurement mode, the motivation of the large-scale real estate development enterprises to implement centralized procurement is studied. Then, the problems of centralized procurement are discussed. This paper deeply studies the problem of "which materials and equipments are suitable for centralized procurement", which has been puzzling many large real estate development enterprises, and establishes the index system of centralized purchasing decision. Based on the analysis of the questionnaire results, the weight of the indicators at all levels is determined by AHP, and a centralized purchasing decision-making model based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is constructed. Finally. The decision model is used to decide whether some common materials and equipments are suitable for the centralized purchasing scope of Vanke. Through this study, we can draw the following conclusion: different large-scale real estate development enterprises have different motives for centralized purchasing. Generally speaking, the motivation of centralized procurement includes: brand marketing, cost savings. Standardization of procurement, "centralized" rights, quality service quality, internal information exchange, optimization of resource allocation, better product quality, knowledge management; 2 based on the centralized purchasing decision model, it is considered that elevators, coatings, exterior wall tiles, sanitary ware and security doors are suitable for the centralized purchasing scope of Vanke.


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