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发布时间:2018-01-06 14:39

  本文关键词:资源型城市鄂尔多斯产业转型研究 出处:《中央民族大学》2013年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 资源型城市 产业转型 主导产业 主成分分析 劳动者主体地位

【摘要】:产业转型是资源型城市普遍面临的发展难题。资源型城市在进入衰退期后开始产业转型,转型难度和实施成本都很大,容易影响到社会和经济的平稳运行,而且随着新能源、新材料等现代科技产品的不断涌现以及市场竞争的日趋激烈,资源型城市的发展周期性过程大为缩短,许多城市已经提前显现衰退迹象,因此资源型城市应该更新观念,在更早阶段重新审视发展战略,并采取措施合理调整产业结构,培育发展新的主导产业,以摆脱对于资源的单纯依赖。变则通、通则达,只有及时进行产业转型,资源型城市才能实现可持续地健康发展。 目前,国内外关于资源型城市产业转型的研究还主要集中于对枯竭型城市产业转型道路的探索,在一定意义上属于“亡羊补牢”式的研究。本文的研究对象是鄂尔多斯产业转型,是针对资源处于增产期至稳产期之间这一特定类型的资源型城市产业转型的研究。与一般的资源型城市转型不同,鄂尔多斯目前尚处于资源增产期至稳产期之间,转型具有特殊性。在产业转型的终极目标上,鄂尔多斯与其他资源型城市并无差别,但在阶段性目标上,目前鄂尔多斯的资源型产业链延伸还有很大空间,具有很高的成长性,对相关行业也有很强带动效应,因此,本文在产业转型总体思路上将其进程分为几个阶段,指出资源型产业升级在前半阶段也是产业转型的主要任务,随着新兴接续主导产业逐渐成长为支柱产业,资源型产业的退出则是中、后期阶段的重要任务。这种分阶段采取不同转型策略的产业转型思路也适用于其他处于资源同一周期阶段的城市。本文在主导产业的战略选择上,提出以区位熵、GA、SE、FKN/E、P/C、百元产值利税率以及产品构成系数这七项指标构建主导产业选择评价指标系统,并采用了主成分分析和定性分析相结合的方式来进行决策。本文还指出,鄂尔多斯的产业转型必须坚持科学发展为根本指导思想,以制度创新、资金支持、科技创新以及劳动者主体地位实现为产业转型的四大支撑体系,其中,劳动者的主体地位实现才是产业转型的根本保证,这些都是本文的独特之处。 资源型城市的产业转型是一个多层次、多领域子系统相互交错的庞大经济社会系统工程。本文基于产业经济理论、生态城市理论、资源诅咒理论、可持续发展理论以及科学发展观,分三个层面对鄂尔多斯的产业转型展开系统研究:第一个层面是基础,对转型环境进行分析。这个环境既包括鄂尔多斯本地环境,也包括其他国际国内环境,既包括宏观环境,也包括中观、微观环境,既包括自然环境,也包括经济、社会、人文等各方面背景,是一个全方位、全时空的环境。在这个层面,本文需要从中梳理、辨析实施产业转型的优势和机会、并指出转型的不利因素和挑战,为进一步的转型研究分析提供依据;第二个层面是本文的核心,即研究鄂尔多斯产业转型总体思路及发展对策。本文将立足比较优势,指明鄂尔多斯产业转型的内涵、核心和基本原则,对运行机制和转型模式进行战略选择,阐述产业转型的总体思路通过主导产业选择评价指标体系的构建,提出鄂尔多斯主导产业的选择方案和发展对策,并就实施转型的策略重点进行深入研讨;第三个层面,分析产业转型的支撑体系。鄂尔多斯的产业结构调整是一项复杂而艰巨的大型工程,单靠自身力量难以完成,需要借助外部力量,而这个力量也不是单指哪一方面,它是由多个子系统构成的相互联系、相互促进并相互制约的综合支撑体系。本文将从制度创新、资金支持、科技创新和劳动者的主体地位四个方面来研究鄂尔多斯产业转型的支撑体系。 本文除绪论外,共分为四章:第一章、论述了资源型城市产业转型的理论基础。首先阐述了资源型城市的概念、界定标准和分类,进而从产业结构、城市功能、经济发展和生态环境四个方面介绍了资源型城市的主要特征。接下来对资源型城市产业转型的转型机理做了介绍,包括生命周期和拐点理论等,阐明了资源型城市产业转型的必然性。最后,对资源型城市产业转型的理论基础进行了梳理,包括产业经济理论、生态城市理论、资源诅咒理论、可持续发展理论以及科学发展观;第二章、首先介绍了鄂尔多斯的地理、资源、社会人文和经济发展概况,从发展历程的角度对鄂尔多斯的产业概况进行了总结,指出产业结构不合理、环境问题突出、房地产泡沫破灭和民间借贷危机等发展问题。最后,本章对国内外具有代表性资源型城市的转型实践进行了剖析,从中总结出对鄂尔多斯的有益启示;第三章、首先论述了鄂尔多斯产业转型的内涵、核心和基本原则,接着对产业转型环境进行综合分析,从中辨析产业转型的优势、机会以及挑战。在此基础上对运行机制和转型模式进行了战略选择,提出了鄂尔多斯产业转型的总体思路,并构建主导产业选择评价指标体系,运用主成分分析和定性分析相结合的方式提出主导产业的选择方案及发展对策,最后重点阐述了产业转型的有关策略重点;第四章、详细论述了鄂尔多斯产业转型的几大支撑体系,包括制度创新、资金支持、科技创新和劳动者主体地位的实现,指出制度创新是基本保证,资金支持和科技创新是重要动力,而劳动者主体地位的实现则是根本保证。同时指出,鄂尔多斯产业转型必须坚持科学发展,介绍其总体方针,并重点讨论了城乡一体化和生态环境建设这两方面内容。
[Abstract]:Industrial transformation is the problems of the development of resource-based city faces generally. The industrial transformation of resource-based city in the recession began after the transformation, difficulty and implementation costs are large, easy to affect the smooth running of the society and economy, and with new energy, new materials and other modern technology products continue to emerge and the increasingly fierce market competition, the development of the cyclical process of resource-based city is much shorter, many city has shown signs of a recession in advance, so the resource type city should update their concepts, to re-examine the earlier stages of development strategy, and take reasonable measures to adjust the industrial structure, foster the development of new leading industries, in order to get rid of dependence for resources. It will pass, general up only in time to carry out industrial restructuring, to achieve sustainable and healthy development of the resource-based city.
At present, the domestic and foreign research on industry transformation of resources city is mainly focused on exploring the road of industrial exhausted city transformation, which belongs to the study of "remedial" type in a certain sense. The research object of this paper is Erdos industrial transformation, is to study the transformation of resource-based city industry increased perinatal period to stable production of this specific the type of resource is different. With the transformation of resource-based city in general, Ordos is currently still in the perinatal period to increase the resources between the stable production period, has the particularity in the transformation. The ultimate goal of industrial transformation, Ordos and other resource-based city has no difference, but in the stage of target, the resource-based industrial chain extension the Erdos still has very large space, high growth, the industry also has a strong driving effect, therefore, the overall idea on the transformation process in the industry Is divided into several stages, and points out that the main task in the stage of the first half is the industry upgrading and transformation of resource-based industries, emerging as the leading industry gradually becomes the pillar industry, the resource-based industry exit is an important task in later stage. Take the industrial transformation ideas of different transformation strategies this stage is also applicable to other in resources in the same stage of the cycle in the city. In this paper, the strategic choice of leading industry, put forward by GA, SE, location entropy, FKN/E, P/C, 100 yuan of output tax rate and product composition of the seven indicators coefficient to construct the choice of leading industry evaluation index system, and using principal component analysis and qualitative analysis method to make the decision. This paper also pointed out that Erdos industrial transformation must adhere to the scientific development as the fundamental guiding ideology, support to system innovation, technology innovation and labor students'status. Now it is the four supporting system of industrial transformation, of which the realization of the main position of the workers is the fundamental guarantee of the industrial transformation. These are the unique features of this article.
The industrial transformation of resource-based city is a multi-level, huge economic and social system engineering field subsystem interlaced. This paper based on the theory of industrial economy, ecological city theory, resource curse theory, sustainable development theory and Scientific Outlook on Development, divided into three levels of Erdos industrial transformation on the first level is the foundation. On the transformation of the environment are analyzed. The environment includes Ordos local environment, including other international and domestic environment, including the macro environment, including the meso and micro environment, including natural environment, including economic, social, cultural and other aspects of the background, is a comprehensive, full space environment at this level. In this paper, need to comb, analysis the implementation of industrial restructuring and the advantages and opportunities, and points out the unfavorable factors and challenges of transition, provide the basis for further analysis of transformation According to the second level; this is the core of the research Erdos industrial transformation and general ideas and countermeasures. This paper will be based on the comparative advantage, the connotation of industry transformation Erdos pointed out, the core and basic principles, the operation mechanism of transformation model and strategic choice, expounds the general idea of transformation industry by constructing the evaluation index system of the choice of the leading industry, put forward the choice and Development Countermeasures of leading industry Erdos, strategy and focus on the implementation of the transformation of the in-depth discussion; third aspects, analysis of supporting system of industrial transformation. The adjustment of industrial structure Ordos is a large engineering complex and arduous, rely on their own strength to complete, need the help of external forces, and this power is not single which on the one hand, it is connected with each other which is composed of several subsystems, mutual promotion and mutual support This article will study the support system of the Erdos industrial transformation from four aspects: system innovation, capital support, scientific and technological innovation and the main position of workers.
Besides the introduction, is divided into four chapters: the first chapter discusses the theoretical basis of industry transformation of resources city. First elaborated the concept of Resource-based City, definition and classification, and then from the industrial structure, city function, the four aspects of economic development and ecological environment and introduces the main characteristics of resource-based city. The transformation mechanism of the industrial transformation of resource-based city is introduced, including the life cycle and the inflection point theory, expounds the necessity of industry transformation of resources city. Finally, summarizes the theoretical basis of the industrial transformation of Resource-based City, including the industrial economic theory, ecological city theory, resource curse theory, theory of sustainable development and Scientific Outlook on Development; the second chapter, firstly introduces the general situation of Ordos geography, resources, humanities and social and economic development, the development process from the perspective of Hubei, Slovakia in multi Industry Overview For a summary, pointed out that the irrational industrial structure, serious environmental problems, the problem of real estate bubble and private lending crisis. Finally, the transformation of practice this chapter representative resource-based city at home and abroad are analyzed and summed up the enlightenment to Erdos from; the third chapter firstly discusses the connotation of Erdos the industrial transformation, the core and basic principle, then the transformation of industry environment analysis, transformation from differentiation of the industrial advantages, opportunities and challenges. On the basis of the operation mechanism and mode of transformation strategy, put forward the general idea Erdos of industry transformation, and constructs the evaluation index system of choosing leading industry, by the principal component analysis and qualitative analysis methods put forward the leading industry and the development of countermeasures, finally focuses on the transformation of industry related strategies Point; fourth chapter, discusses the Erdos industrial transformation and several support system, including system innovation, technological innovation and financial support, to achieve the dominant position of the workers, the system innovation is the basic guarantee, financial support and technology innovation is an important driving force, and work to achieve the main status is the fundamental guarantee. At the same time pointed out that Erdos industrial transformation must adhere to the scientific development, introduces the general principles, and focus on the integration of urban and rural construction and the ecological environment of the two aspects.



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