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发布时间:2018-01-07 02:37

  本文关键词:淄博仟禧房地产开发项目风险管理研究 出处:《中国海洋大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 淄博 仟禧项目 风险管理 房地产开发

[Abstract]:Due to the blindness of the market itself, the uncertain economic environment at home and abroad, the influence of multiple factors change government macro-control policy and the real estate developers own behavior, the risk of real estate development and construction projects are increasing, the complexity of the risk management of real estate development and construction project uncertainty, dynamic characteristic and individuation. Present continuously. In order to ensure the controllable risk, real estate development and construction projects benefit multiplication, should pay attention to this kind of project risk identification, risk analysis, risk assessment and risk response. Thus, the Zibo region is representative of the Millennium Real estate development project, case study methods based on risk management, project risk management the related theory is applied to specific real estate development project. This paper based on the literature research method, case study method, interview survey method, relying on the project The theory and technology of risk management, the risk management system of Zibo Millennium Real estate development project. The thesis advocates defensive thought of risk management, risk management should be emphasized in the early risk, continue to strengthen risk management measures, the risk of passive type active risk acceptance control, so as to promote the developers improve their management level, to obtain good economic benefits and social benefits at the same time, raise awareness of risk level, enhance people's ability to prevent the risks. Specifically, the preliminary identification in the existence of Zibo Millennium Real estate development project risk consciousness difference, lack of systematic risk management framework and the risk management process is not standard, the lack of ability after dynamic risk management the risk management problems, firstly, the project risk sources were identified by From the project investment decision-making stage, land early stage, construction stage and project sales stage of the risk analysis and evaluation of the concrete, and then according to the risk assessment results, put forward the objectives and principles of project risk management, and puts forward the concrete measures of risk in each stage, and the formation of the overall risk management system finally, put forward to ensure and control the implementation of four measures of risk management strategy, namely the establishment of operation mechanism of support measures of risk management of Zibo Millennium Real estate development projects, construction of organizational structure of the Millennium Zibo real estate development project risk management process, and improve the system security risk management of Zibo Millennium Real estate development project the level of risk management, to promote the Millennium Zibo real estate development project of human level.



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