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发布时间:2018-01-07 06:45

  本文关键词:YT公司绩效考核案例研究 出处:《大连理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产企业 绩效管理 绩效考核体系

【摘要】:房地产行业经过几十年的发展,已经成为中国的支柱性产业,对于整个国家的经济发展、城市的建设和居住环境的改良等各个方面都有着不可忽视的作用。随着我国加入WTO,外资企业越来越多的加入了中国市场的竞争,加上国家政策对房地产企业宏观调控力度的加大,房地产企业之间竞争日趋激烈,中小型民营企业面临的挑战更为严峻。除资金等各方面外在压力,公司的内部管理问题更是成为了民营企业发展的瓶颈。越来越多的管理者逐渐意识到了人力资源管理工作的重要性,也逐步加大了在人力资源方面的投入。彼得·德鲁克说:“企业一切活动的目的就是为了该企业的绩效!”,由此可见绩效在现代化的企业管理中已经占据了极为重要的位置。而建立公司的绩效考核管理体系,试图通过绩效考核的过程和结果来激励和约束员工,提高他们的绩效,从而实现组织的绩效,已成为现代企业人力资源管理工作的重点。 大连亿通房地产开发公司作为众多民营房地产企业中的一员,在发展的过程中,面临着同样的问题。本文在研究绩效管理和绩效考核体系的理论基础上,对亿通公司现存的绩效管理问题进行了充分的分析研究,并结合相关理论和行业特点找到了产生问题的原因,并对产生的问题提出了对策和建议,力争将现有的绩效考核和绩效管理体系有针对性地进行改进完善,为公司的良性发展奠定基础。
[Abstract]:The real estate industry after decades of development, has become a pillar industry of the China, for the development of national economy, improvement of all aspects of city construction and the living environment has a role can not be ignored. With China's accession to the WTO, more and more foreign enterprises to join the Chinese market competition, increase the real estate macro-control and the national policy, the competition between real estate enterprises is becoming increasingly fierce, small and medium private enterprises are facing more severe challenges. In addition to funds and other aspects of external pressure, internal management problems, which is becoming a bottleneck in the development of private enterprises. More and more managers have realized the importance of human resource management, also gradually increase the investment in human resources. Peter Drucker said: "all the activities of the purpose of business is to the enterprise performance!", The performance in the modern enterprise management has occupied a very important position. And the establishment of the company's performance appraisal management system, trying to motivate and restrain the employees through the process and results of performance appraisal, improve their performance, so as to achieve the organization's performance, has become the focus of modern enterprise human resources management.
Dalian million real estate development company as one of the private real estate enterprises, in the process of development, facing the same problem. In this paper, basic theory in the study of performance management and performance appraisal system, the Yitong company performance management problems are analyzed fully, and combined with related theory the characteristics of the industry and find out the reasons of the problems, and put forward the countermeasure and suggestion on the problems, and strive to the existing performance appraisal and performance management system to improve and perfect, and lay the foundation for the healthy development of the company.



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