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发布时间:2018-01-07 10:31

  本文关键词:洪隆大厦项目质量控制研究 出处:《中国海洋大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 建筑工程项目 质量 质量控制

[Abstract]:As the basic need of human survival and development, construction engineering is closely linked with the times with the development of society. Since the reform and opening up, the construction industry in China has developed rapidly. At present, China is in the period of economic expansion, the future is the strategic opportunity period of building a well-off society in an all-round way, and it is expected that the national economy will still maintain rapid growth. The construction project will take advantage of this east wind to develop rapidly. Whether the construction project can develop healthily is related to the vital interests of the broad masses. The present economic situation of our country puts forward higher requirements for the development of construction enterprises. Construction enterprises should not only be able to adapt to the development of the market, but also strengthen the management of project quality and improve their competitiveness in the real estate market. Otherwise, enterprises will not survive in modern society. Through causality analysis and definition of quality problems existing in engineering projects, the key points of quality control and management in various stages of engineering projects are found out. And put forward the project quality control and management methods. This paper takes the Honglong Building as an example to study the quality control in the construction process of the project. Firstly, this paper describes the background of this topic and the current research situation at home and abroad. This paper enumerates the purpose, significance, main content and innovation points of the paper, then discusses the basic concept and theory of the project quality control, according to the characteristics and difficulties of the project quality control of the Hong long Building project. This control system not only introduces the construction preparation stage and construction stage according to the different stages of construction, but also puts forward the necessity of dual quality control by stages and sub-items. The main points of quality control in the stage of construction acceptance and the measures taken in practice; At the same time, quality control is carried out for the key sub-projects in the process of construction, and the main points of quality control and the measures for quality control are put forward. According to the practice and experience of project quality control, a set of engineering quality assurance system is refined, in which quality control guidance system, quality control responsibility system and system system are introduced. The conclusion of this paper is that establishing a comprehensive project quality assurance system is the core of the project quality assurance. This paper mainly adopts the method of literature, the combination of theory and practice, and the method of chart.


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