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发布时间:2018-01-08 22:03

  本文关键词:南方沿海地区旅游住宅地产户型设计研究 出处:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 南方沿海地区 旅游住宅地产 户型设计

【摘要】:南方沿海地区,坐拥丰富的沿海旅游资源,发达的经济环境,这些得天独厚的条件让在我国还没有成熟的旅游房地产事业在这里如雨后春笋般出现。而旅游住宅地产作为旅游地产的一个分支,是旅游与住宅共同衍生出的一个新生体。旅游住宅地产没有系统的理由,也没有太多的实际操作经验,大多建设者与开发商都是照搬城市住宅的做法运用到旅游住宅地产的项目当中,使得它在开发建设的时候出现了不少的问题。 本文首先论述旅游住宅地产的发展概况,介绍旅游地产,住宅等相关概念,定义本文探讨的地域,范围,总结了国内外旅游住宅地产的发展概况,具体分析我国南方沿海地区自然资源概况和特征条件,,旅游住宅地产的开发条件。其次,分析我国南方沿海地区旅游住宅地产的一些案例,对比和归纳其户型设计特点。之后研究我国南方沿海地区旅游地产住宅的户型设计,包括理论分析和实例研究,分析其户型设计,与城市住宅设计的异同。最后总结分析研究的成果,归纳若干设计原则。
[Abstract]:As a branch of tourism real estate , tourism residential real estate is a branch of tourism real estate , it is a new born body which is derived from tourism and residence . Most of the builders and developers have applied to the project of tourism residential property , so that it has many problems in the development and construction . This paper first discusses the development of tourism residential real estate , introduces the concept of tourism real estate , residence and so on , defines the region and scope of tourism residential real estate in China and abroad , analyzes the situation and characteristics of tourism residential real estate in southern coastal areas of China . Secondly , it analyzes some cases of tourism real estate in southern coastal areas of China , compares and sums up the characteristics of its household type design . Secondly , it analyzes the family - type design of tourism real estate in the southern coastal areas of China , analyzes its outdoor design and similarities and differences with the design of urban residence . Finally , it summarizes the results of the research and induces a number of design principles .



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