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发布时间:2018-01-09 01:16

  本文关键词:W水泥有限公司的成本领先战略研究 出处:《苏州大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 竞争战略 成本领先 水泥

【摘要】:水泥是国民经济的基础原材料。近几年来,伴随着我国经济持续增长、基础设施建设以及房地产行业的发展,我国水泥工业得到了迅速的发展。但由于产能增长过快,,造成水泥产品总体上供大于求,市场竞争日趋激烈。而且我国水泥工业发展由于长期受到落后生产工艺的影响,结构性矛盾仍十分突出。国家有关水泥工业发展的相关政策的出台,对我国水泥工业的发展提出了新的更高的要求。W水泥有限公司现在面临产品结构不合理、落后生产能力比重大、市场竞争力不强等诸多问题,在现有条件下,研究制定适合公司发展的竞争战略已成为当务之急。 本文在回顾国内外竞争战略相关理论基础上,通过运用波特的行业竞争理论等方法,分析企业所处的行业环境和行业竞争特点,确定了公司发展面临的机会与威胁,对于企业的价值链和成本动因进行了综合地分析和评价,明确了公司发展的内部优势和劣势,并在此基础上提出了公司未来发展应采取成本领先战略。依靠总成本领先战略,确定产品竞争优势。在战略实施上,要通过集中配置优势资源实现规模化经营,有效地降低企业成本;通过优化和重组与成本领先战略相关联的价值链增值活动,降低生产各环节成本;通过技术和管理创新,提高企业的核心竞争力。本文的研究将为公司今后发展指明战略方向,提高公司的市场竞争力,论文的研究方法对其他类似企业竞争战略的制定和实施也具有一定的参考价值。
[Abstract]:Cement is the basic raw materials of the national economy. In recent years, with China's sustained economic growth, the development of infrastructure construction and real estate industry, China's cement industry has developed rapidly. But due to the rapid growth of production capacity, resulting in oversupply of cement products, market competition is becoming increasingly fierce. And I in the development of cement industry due to the backward effect of the production process, the structural contradictions are still very prominent. Relevant national policies on the development of cement industry is introduced, the development of China's cement industry put forward higher requirements for the new.W India Cements Limited is now facing the unreasonable product structure, backward production capacity than the major, the market competitiveness is not strong so many problems in the existing conditions, formulate the development strategy suitable for the company has become a pressing matter of the moment.
In this paper, based on the relevant theories at home and abroad are reviewed on the competition strategy, through the use of Potter's theory of competitive industries, competitive analysis characteristics of industry environment and industry, the company facing the development opportunities and threats, the value chain and cost driver enterprises conducted a comprehensive analysis and evaluation, the development of the company the internal strengths and weaknesses, and on this basis should adopt the cost leading strategy. The future development of the company depends on the overall cost leadership strategy, determine the product competitive advantage. In the implementation of the strategy, through the centralized allocation of resources to achieve the scale of operation, effectively reduce the cost of enterprise; through the optimization and reorganization and the associated cost leading strategy the value chain of value-added activities, reduce the production cost of each link; through technology and management innovation, enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises. This study for the company In the future, we should point out the strategic direction and improve the market competitiveness of our company. The research method of this paper will also be a reference for other similar enterprises to formulate and implement competitive strategies.



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