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发布时间:2018-01-09 04:20

  本文关键词:基于TFP的中国房地产业与建筑业工资增长比较研究 出处:《湘潭大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 全要素生产率 工资差距 房地产业 建筑业

【摘要】:随着房地产市场的兴起与繁荣,相关行业从业人员的收入水平也随之不断提高,,但是不同行业之间的收入水平存在较大的差距,行业收入不平等的现象日益加剧。工资是我国就业人员的主要收入来源,如果工资水平偏低,劳动者的可支配收入也较低,这不利于刺激消费。此外,行业间较大的差异容易导致社会矛盾的激发,不利于社会安定与和谐。 本文根据克拉克边际生产力工资理论、马歇尔均衡工资理论和萨缪尔森的工资理论,认为全要素生产率增速对工资增速有影响,工资水平决定于全要素生产率。本文首先利用DEA方法对房地产业和建筑业的全要素生产率进行估算,然后分别将两个行业的全要素生产率增长对工资增长进行回归,探索两个行业的工资是否由全要素生产率拉动。 本文得出两个重要的研究结论:一,全要素生产率对工资水平有相当显著的影响,但工资变动远远落后于全要素生产率的变动。实证分析的结果显示,在房地产行业,全要素生产率变动1%会引起工资水平反方向变动1.41%;在建筑行业,全要素生产率变动1%会引起工资水平反方向变动0.385%。二,两个行业的全要素生产率差距对工资差距的回归系数小于1,在5%的水平下显著为正。这一结果说明工资差距的变动明显慢于全要素生产率差距的变动,当全要素生产率差距缩小时,工资并没有同步缩小,而是小于全要素生产率差距的缩小幅度。这个结果进一步佐证了房地产业的高工资并非由全要素生产率所决定的。 针对本文结论,笔者提出几项对策建议:一,提高建筑业的工资水平,实现劳动报酬与全要素生产率的同步增长。二,剔除导致房地产业高工资的不合理因素,使行业收入分配回归合理。
[Abstract]:With the rise and prosperity of the real estate market, income related industry practitioners also continued to increase, but the level of income among different industries there is a big gap between the industry, income inequality is increasing. The wage is a major source of income for the employment of our country, if the low level of wages, workers' disposable income low, which is not conducive to stimulating consumption. In addition, large differences between industries easily lead to social conflicts excitation, is not conducive to social stability and harmony.
According to Clark's marginal productivity theory of wages, wage Marshall equilibrium theory and Samuelson's theory of wages that TFP growth has an impact on the wage growth, wage level depends on the total factor productivity. Firstly, the total factor productivity of the real estate industry and the construction industry is estimated by using the DEA method, and then the total factor productivity of the two industries the growth of wage growth regression respectively, to explore whether the two industry wage by TFP pull.
This paper draws two important conclusions: first, the total factor productivity have a significant impact on wages, but the wage change lags behind the change of total factor productivity. The empirical analysis shows that, in the real estate industry, the change of total factor productivity of 1% will cause the wage changes in the opposite direction of the construction industry in 1.41%; the change of total factor productivity, wage level 1% will cause changes in the opposite direction of 0.385%. two, the total factor productivity gap between the two industry regression coefficient on the wage gap is less than 1, the 5% level is significantly positive. The results show that the wage gap changes significantly slower than the TFP gap changes, when the total factor the productivity gap shrinks, wages have not reduced, but less than the total factor productivity gap shrank. This result is further evidence of the real estate industry is not high wages by total factor Productivity is determined.
Aiming at the conclusion of this paper, the author puts forward several countermeasures and suggestions: first, improve the wage level of construction industry and achieve synchronous growth of labor remuneration and total factor productivity; two, eliminate unreasonable factors that lead to high wages in the real estate industry, and make the industry income distribution return to a reasonable level.



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