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发布时间:2018-01-09 15:03

  本文关键词:新媒体环境下房地产广告诉求方式的变化 出处:《重庆工商大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产广告 新媒体 诉求方式 感性 理性

【摘要】:随着我国市场经济的成熟和城市化建设的发展,房地产行业越来越受到我国政府和人们的重视,它作为我国国民经济发展中支柱产业之一,为我国经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高都发挥了巨大的作用。房地产广告作为房产行业中不可或缺的一部分,广告效果的好坏直接关系着房产销售量的问题,所以房地产广告在房产行业中扮演着举足轻重的作用,它是房地产商在竞争中处于不败之地的一个重要因素。 这些年,以网络、手机为代表的新媒体也在迅速发展,新媒体的出现为我国房地产行业注入了一股强大的力量。在当前新媒体环境中,新媒体是房地产广告营销传播的重要工具,传播形式多以画面、音频和文字结合,越来越受到消费者的亲睐和喜欢。当然,新媒体的出现和高度发展,也在一定程度上影响着房地产广告诉求方式的变化,以前形式单一,,诉求简单,而现在渐渐与新媒体融为一体,变得更加符合当代人的口味和心理。 本文对新媒体在我国房地产广告行业的运用进行研究,纵观我国房地产行业的发展和新媒体的发展,分析了我国房地产广告诉求方式存在的一些问题,并根据这些问题也提出了自己的建议。文中还大量引用经典的房地产广告案例,来研究我国房地产广告诉求方式的变化,进而得出结论:随着社会的发展,房地产广告诉求方式不断引导新的价值观念、生活方式和居住理念,也更加符合受众的心理,诉求方式呈现出渠道多样化、高度人性化、受众细分化和含蓄化的特点。
[Abstract]:With the maturity of our market economy and the development of urbanization, the real estate industry is paid more and more attention by our government and people. It is one of the pillar industries in the development of our national economy. As an indispensable part of real estate industry, the effect of real estate advertising is directly related to the issue of real estate sales. So real estate advertising plays a pivotal role in the real estate industry, it is an important factor in the competition of real estate developers in an invincible position. In recent years, the new media represented by network and mobile phone are also developing rapidly. The emergence of new media has injected a powerful force into the real estate industry of our country. In the current new media environment. New media is an important tool of real estate advertising marketing communication, the form of communication is more and more by the picture, audio and text combination, more and more favored and liked by consumers. Of course, the emergence and high development of new media. To some extent, it also affects the change of the way of advertising appeal in real estate. The former form is single, the appeal is simple, but now gradually melts with the new media, becomes more in line with the taste and psychology of contemporary people. This paper studies the application of new media in the real estate advertising industry in China, looks at the development of the real estate industry and the development of new media, and analyzes some problems existing in the way of real estate advertising in China. And according to these problems also put forward their own suggestions. This paper also cited a large number of classic real estate advertising cases to study the changes in the way of real estate advertising in China, and then came to a conclusion: with the development of society. The real estate advertisement appeal way continuously guides the new value idea, the life style and the housing idea, also conforms to the audience psychology, the appeal way presents the channel diversification, highly humanized. The characteristics of audience differentiation and implicature.


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