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发布时间:2018-01-09 22:30

  本文关键词:基于业务流程再造的OA系统研究与应用 出处:《天津大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 地产 核心竞争 OA系统 业务流程再造

【摘要】:经历了二十多年的持续创新、发展与进步,房地产业一直是我国国民经济的主导产业,其地位和作用不可小觑。特别是伴随着国内房地产公司数量的急速上升,以及国外房地产公司的大量涌入,我国的地产行业展现出了一片日益激烈的竞争态势。而企业要想在当前的竞争中处于优势地位,应该不断提升自身的核心竞争力。因此,规范企业制度、优化业务流程已成为一种重要途径之一。 本文以TP公司OA系统的实施为研究对象,以管理思想为主,信息技术为辅,研究与探索业务流程如何在信息系统中得到一种最好的应用体现,实现企业业务流程再造和信息化的无缝结合,并使用流程再造理论,在OA的具体实施过程中,提高业务流程效率的最优方法。 本文从企业内部存在的管理问题和外部的竞争压力两方面对TP公司的现状进行分析与介绍,并探讨在公司的实际情况下实行业务流程再造的必要性和可行性。根据所在行业与本企业的特殊性,本文对现有的通用业务流程进行分析与研究,以提高效率和解决常用问题为目的,并结合信息化技术手段,查询、评估并测试优化方案,合并可有可无的部分,删除重复或无可紧要的流程,简化流程审批环节,提高流程运营效率,达到企业高层领导的有效管理。 本文在OA系统实施过程中对TP公司实际业务进行了全面的分析与研究,并且运用流程再造的理论和实用方法,将其应用于系统设计中。同时,在OA的使用过程中,对有问题的业务流程持续进行分析与评估,并不断进行流程优化与重组,,从而提高了企业的整体工作效率和制度管理水平,进一步提升了企业的市场竞争力。
[Abstract]:After more than 20 years of continuous innovation, development and progress, the real estate industry has been the leading industry of our national economy, its status and role can not be underestimated, especially with the rapid increase in the number of domestic real estate companies. As well as the influx of foreign real estate companies, China's real estate industry has shown an increasingly fierce competition situation, and enterprises want to be in the current competition in an advantageous position. Therefore, standardizing enterprise system and optimizing business process has become one of the important ways. This paper takes the implementation of OA system of TP Company as the research object, takes the management thought as the main body, the information technology as the auxiliary, studies and explores how the business process gets a kind of best application embodiment in the information system. To realize the seamless combination of business process reengineering (BPR) and information technology, and to use the theory of BPR to improve the efficiency of business process in the process of OA implementation. This paper analyzes and introduces the present situation of TP Company from the aspects of internal management problems and external competitive pressure. It also discusses the necessity and feasibility of carrying out business process reengineering under the actual situation of the company. According to the particularity of the industry and this enterprise, this paper analyzes and studies the existing general business process. In order to improve efficiency and solve common problems, combined with information technology means, query, evaluate and test the optimization scheme, merge the unnecessary parts, delete duplicate or uncritical processes. Simplify the process approval process, improve the efficiency of process operation, and achieve the effective management of senior leaders. This paper makes a comprehensive analysis and research on the actual business of TP Company during the implementation of OA system, and applies the theory and practical method of process reengineering to the design of the system. In the process of using OA, the problem of business process analysis and evaluation, and continuous process optimization and reorganization, so as to improve the overall efficiency of the enterprise and the level of system management. Further enhance the market competitiveness of enterprises.


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