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发布时间:2018-01-10 06:16

  本文关键词:LVD投资集团公司旧城改造项目融资方案研究 出处:《西北大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产开发 旧城改造项目 项目融资

【摘要】:随着我们国家经济建设的发展和城市化脚步的加快,房地产行业经过近二十年的发展,涌现出一批大大小小的优秀房地产企业,其积极参与大小城市项目的开发建设,成为城市建设中的急先锋。然而房地产企业开发项目开发周期长,资金需求量大,属于资本密集性行业,由于国家宏观金融政策上对房地产行业支持有限,加上房地产开发企业自身缺乏对房地产投融资方面的研究和前期筹划,房地产企业融资渠道和融资方式相对较少,近年来国家对房地产调控的持续深入及银监会等政府职能部门政策导向,银行等相关金融机构对房地产市场的贷款支持力度逐渐缩小,房地产融资变的越来越难。如何开拓新的融资渠道、寻找更好的融资模式已经成为房地产企业生存和发展的首要问题。 本文以项目融资方面的理论知识为基础,结合目前我国房地产开发企业项目融资方面遇到的主要问题和困难进行研究分析,从企业内部资源的重新整合和调整,外部融资渠道的深入发掘和利用进行论述,并在此基础上针对LVD投资集团公司AK市旧城改造项目融资方案分析论证,从LVD投资集团公司概况介绍、AK市旧城改造项目概况介绍以及在该项目开发进行中遇到的资金难题进行深入分析,选择多种融资方案进行比较论证分析,最终选择适合该开发项目的最佳融资方案;最后针对所选择的融资方案,分析融资方案中可能存在的风险和不确定因素存在,分别设计出LVD投资集团企业自身流动资产的盘活、整个集团企业股权架构的重新构建、AK市旧城改造项目营销推广方案的策划并提前执行和加强争取当地政府及相关职能部门大力支持四个方面的配套措施给予整个融资方案提供有力保障。 本文基于LVD投资集团公司AK市旧城改造项目最佳融资方案的实际案例分析研究,为众多房地产开发企业在探索多种融资渠道和融资模式上起到抛砖引玉的作用,帮助房地产开发企业通过修炼内功,建立广泛的金融资源,构建企业金融信用体系,突破长期困扰企业项目融资的瓶颈。
[Abstract]:With the development of our national economic construction and the acceleration of urbanization, the real estate industry after nearly 20 years of development, a number of large and small outstanding real estate enterprises emerged. Its active participation in the development and construction of large and small cities has become the vanguard of urban construction. However, the development cycle of real estate enterprise development projects is long, the capital demand is large, and it belongs to the capital-intensive industry. Because of the limited support to the real estate industry in the national macro-financial policy, the real estate development enterprises themselves lack of research and pre-planning on the real estate investment and financing. The financing channels and financing methods of real estate enterprises are relatively few. In recent years, the national regulation and control of real estate and the policy direction of government functional departments such as CBRC continue to deepen. Bank and other related financial institutions to the real estate market loan support gradually shrink, real estate financing becomes more and more difficult. How to open up new financing channels. Looking for better financing mode has become the most important problem for real estate enterprises to survive and develop. Based on the theoretical knowledge of project financing, this paper studies and analyzes the main problems and difficulties in project financing of Chinese real estate development enterprises. From the enterprise internal resources re-integration and adjustment, external financing channels to explore and use the in-depth discussion, and on this basis for the LVD investment group company AK city old city reconstruction project financing scheme analysis and demonstration. From the introduction of LVD Investment Group Company and the introduction of the old city reconstruction project of AK city, the paper makes a thorough analysis of the fund problems encountered in the development of the project, and selects a variety of financing schemes to carry out comparative demonstration and analysis. Finally select the best financing scheme suitable for the development project; Finally, according to the selected financing scheme, this paper analyzes the possible risks and uncertainties in the financing scheme, and designs the liquidity assets of LVD investment group enterprises. The whole group enterprise equity structure reconstruction. The planning of the marketing and promotion scheme of the old city reconstruction project in AK city and the advance implementation and strengthening of the supporting measures of the local government and related functional departments to provide the entire financing scheme with strong protection. This article based on the LVD investment group company AK city old city transformation project best financing project actual case analysis research. For many real estate development enterprises in exploring a variety of financing channels and financing models play a role in helping real estate development enterprises through internal training to establish a wide range of financial resources. Build the enterprise financial credit system, break through the bottleneck of enterprise project financing for a long time.


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