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发布时间:2018-01-10 15:11

  本文关键词:华夏幸福基业股份有限公司财务绩效分析 出处:《对外经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 华夏幸福 财务绩效分析 产业地产 商业生态系统

[Abstract]:In December 2016, the Central Economic entity Conference pointed out that the revitalization of the real economy should be included in the supply-side structural reform, and it is clear that we should focus on improving quality and core competitiveness and insist on innovation-driven development. Expanding the supply of high-quality products and services is undoubtedly good news for further promoting the development of industrial real estate industry. Industrial real estate as a carrier of industrial aggregation is the development of regional economy. The spatial bearing form of industrial adjustment and upgrading is also a measure of the level of regional social and economic development. It shoulders the burden of gathering innovative resources to cultivate new industries. Industrial real estate is different from the traditional real estate industry in the internal and external environment, membership, value logic and business development model. At present, China is still in the turning stage of development. The financial performance analysis of industrial real estate enterprises, for peer enterprises to learn from each other, to promote the development of the industry has a certain significance, at the same time for the analysis of enterprise management quality. This paper selects Huaxia Happiness Foundation Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "Huaxia Happiness") as the case of financial performance analysis. First of all, through the perspective of commercial ecosystem, the industrial and real estate industry is systematically analyzed, and then the quality of profit, asset quality and cash flow in 2015 are analyzed. At the same time, the financial performance trend from 2011 to 2015 is revealed by using the ratio analysis method. Finally, according to the research conclusions, put forward some suggestions for the future development of happiness in China. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: 1) in terms of profitability, the net profit of China happiness increases year after year, and the growth rate is faster. From the profit structure point of view, the profit mainly comes from the core business industry new city product, the investment income is relatively low. In the industrial real estate industry has a strong competitive advantage. 2) China's happy assets have good turnover and liquidity, with the ability to add value; Although the current ratio of assets and liabilities is 84.8%, the proportion of current assets to total assets is 91.2%, the quality of commercial creditor's rights and inventory is very high, and the occupation of non-performing assets is less. The cash net flow generated by the enterprise operation is not enough to support the core profit, mainly because of the rapid layout of China happiness in China, the land arrangement and the large amount of cash needed to be invested in the infrastructure construction. The recovery cycle is long, which leads to the tight operating cash flow and high financial leverage, so it is necessary to strengthen the risk control. According to the conclusion of the study. This paper puts forward several suggestions on the future development of happiness in China: 1) improving the operating cash flow, controlling the expansion rhythm and realizing the matching of the regional development investment and the operating cash flow inflow scale. Focus on the application of infrastructure asset securitization and other financing means. 2) control investment risk, establish investment management system and evaluation mechanism suitable for business development, avoid systemic risk. Ensure the investment income. 3) reduce the management cost, control the management cost, comb the internal management process and system, realize the shared management of each business level, strictly execute the budget management to the regional branch company.


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