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发布时间:2018-01-10 22:11

  本文关键词:我国居民资产偏好与住房价格泡沫评价 出处:《天津财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 资产选择偏好 无差异曲线 住房价格泡沫

[Abstract]:Since the implementation of the housing reform policy since the last century in 90s, during the period of the planned economy of the welfare housing distribution system by the market gradually replaced, prices also began to play a fundamental role in the regulation of market supply and demand however, from the development of China's real estate market over the past twenty years, China's ordinary commercial housing prices basically maintained a rapid rising the rate is much higher than the income over the same period, the growth of residents, 1998-2013 years, China's ordinary commercial housing prices rose an average of 22.8.% years over the same period, per capita income of urban residents rose 9.6%, prices rose 2.5 times the people of all income. Thus, at the beginning of this century, in China triggered a discussion about the housing bubble most of the scholars. The housing price income ratio of the international comparison, the economic bubble model demonstrates that China's real estate bubble, and the housing bubble degree was calculated. With the existing Close the real estate bubble discussed in literature, in the process of determining reasonable price, completely ignores the preference factors of household assets. According to the preferences of family assets selection of Chinese residents in relation to the introduction of household assets in real estate choice preference factors, again to discuss the existence of China's housing bubble and measurement. The text is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is introduction. The background and significance of topics, the basic structure and the main research contents, research methods and innovation. It is the summary. The second chapter is the literature review. Combing the domestic and foreign assets and real estate bubble measure related to the field of academic research. The third chapter based on the assets preference heterogeneity of portfolio selection model. When we choose family assets ranging from pure financial assets extended to real assets, assets will highlight functional differences Out the functional differences between the household assets in the assets selection model in the process is not completely follow the expected return and risk, it means that households in assets with preference heterogeneity in the process, that is to say, the expected return, risk preference and constitute the determinants of household assets, will the preference factors included in the study of asset selection, the establishment of the corresponding portfolio selection model has become the focus of the study in this chapter. The preference can not be directly identified here, we select a representative of stock assets physical assets in real estate and financial assets, the revealed preference theory proposed by Samuelson, in the different price level launch selection based on the combination of China's households on housing assets and stock assets of the indifference curve equation, in order to solve the assets preference knowledge No problem. It is the foundation and the key link of our further research. The fourth chapter is the analysis of China's real estate market equilibrium. Based on the above theoretical model, the choice of our household assets no difference curve is deduced demand function of China's real estate market. At the same time, we selected the per capita housing completed in the area of Q and the average sales price of housing construction of P real estate market by using the panel model. The supply function of clearing in the market conditions, to supply = demand can be obtained in the real estate market equilibrium price. P 'equilibrium prices is not only we judge the price rationality foundation, and it is also the basis to measure the housing bubble. In the fifth chapter, the real estate market in China Bubble measure. Based on equilibrium prices in the previous chapter, considering the random shocks down to determine the reasonable price of the real estate market in China, as a criterion, combined with China's eight The relevant data of different degree of regional economic development of the 35 typical city real estate market, estimates China's important city housing price bubble. And with the relevant existing research conclusions are compared and analyzed. The study shows that China's real estate bubble does exist, and the bubble degree difference is large, there is a serious economic bubble line the developed city, western underdeveloped city bubble is not obvious. First-tier cities bubble earlier in the second tier city, second tier city mostly occurred in 2010, and first-tier cities bubble is significantly higher than the second tier cities, by the end of 2010, most of the second city had a housing bubble, the housing bubble in China since then from local to the overall.



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