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发布时间:2018-01-10 22:32

  本文关键词:基于ATmega3290的新风机智能控制器开发研究 出处:《燕山大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 空气品质 智能家居 C语言编程 模糊PID

【摘要】:现在,国内的大部分房地产开发商为了节约成本,开发的建筑物间的间距是越来越小。而且现在门窗的密封性都比较好,加之装修所带来的污染,以及空调的使用和普及使室内的通风效率明显下降,这样就造成污染程度的累积,致使室内空气质量的相对恶化。所以国内大部分住宅的室内污染状况堪忧。 本文以当今社会比较关注的低碳节能、智能家居等热点问题为研究背景,系统的研究了室内空气品质的检测和控制。 因为自然通风方式已不能满足人们日益提高的对室内空气品质的需求。因而采用机械通风-新风机的方式来改善室内空气品质。本文首先讨论了新风机控制系统国内外的研究动态。其次讨论了系统的硬件设计,包括各种电路的设计和一些主要的元器件的选型。最后讨论了系统的软件开发,,其设计方法采用功能模块法,主要包括A/D转换程序设计、时间/时段功能程序设计、定时开/关机功能程序设计和湿度校准功能程序设计几个方面。 本文对新风机智能控制系统的控制方法进行了详细的研究。首先根据空气流体学的基本原理,结合系统的物理模型,推导出控制系统的简化动态数学模型。由于本系统的参数具有时变性或非线性。所以采用的控制算法是模糊PID算法,最后在模拟实验室中验证了该控制算法的有效性。本文所设计出的智能新风机控制器的样机,通过在实验室的实际运行测试,证明其具有运行稳定可靠,功能丰富,易于操作等特点,具有实用推广价值。
[Abstract]:Now, most of the domestic real estate developers in order to save costs, the development of the distance between buildings is increasingly small. And now sealed doors and windows are good, and the pollution caused by the decoration, and the use of air conditioning and the popularity of indoor ventilation efficiency reduced significantly, thus causing cumulative pollution degree, relative resulting in deterioration of indoor air quality. So most of the domestic residential indoor pollution situation is worrying.
This paper studies the detection and control of indoor air quality with the research background of hot issues such as low carbon energy saving and smart home which are more concerned in today's society.
Because of the natural ventilation can not meet the increasing demand of indoor air quality. Therefore, the use of mechanical ventilation and fresh air machine to improve indoor air quality. This paper discusses the control of dynamic system at home and abroad. Secondly, new fan system hardware design, including the design and selection of some of the major the components. Finally discusses the software development of the system, the design method of the function modules, including the design of the A/D conversion program, time / period function programming, timer on / off design design and humidity calibration function program function program.
This control method of intelligent ventilator control system is studied in detail. According to the basic principle of air fluid theory, combined with the physical model of the system, a simplified dynamic mathematical model of control system. Because of the system's parameters time-varying or nonlinear control algorithm. By using the fuzzy PID algorithm, finally in the simulation laboratory to verify the effectiveness of the control algorithm. The prototype of intelligent fan controller designed in this thesis that the actual operation of the test in the laboratory, it has proved that the operation is stable and reliable, feature rich, easy to operate, has great practical value.



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