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发布时间:2018-01-11 05:12

  本文关键词:基于战略转型的P医药公司资产重组方案设计 出处:《东华大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 医药企业 战略转型 资产重组 资产剥离 股权转让

[Abstract]:In medicine under the background of the new deal, the national guidelines for the future development path of the pharmaceutical industry will further promote the pharmaceutical industry asset restructuring. Throughout the development of the pharmaceutical industry trends, staking, mergers and acquisitions climax, pharmaceutical industry chain between a new round of restructuring tide has been sweeping the country. There are more and more selection of pharmaceutical enterprises through asset restructuring to solve how to face the competition, judged the situation, determine the strategy and measures, the problem of asset restructuring has become an important way of transformation of pharmaceutical enterprise strategy. Therefore, how to transition from a strategic perspective, to develop the pharmaceutical enterprise restructuring plan, become a valuable research topic of this dissertation. Based on the actual investigation of P pharmaceutical company. The purpose of the study is mainly reflected in two aspects: one is to design a strategy to comply with the P pharmaceutical company Asset restructuring program demand; on the other hand through the design of the project, in order to provide reference and help for the design of China's pharmaceutical enterprises asset reorganization scheme. This paper is divided into six parts. The first part of the introduction of the background and significance of the research are analyzed and summarized. The second, third part is the basic theory of from the enterprise strategic restructuring and asset restructuring, motivation types through the study of strategic transformation and reorganization mode, influence factor analysis, in-depth understanding of the relevant theoretical connotation. At the same time, according to the in-depth analysis related to the three difficult problems of design asset restructuring program, namely asset evaluation methods, the main body of the reorganization selection and payment options, and provides a theoretical basis for the design of P pharmaceutical company asset restructuring scheme. In the fourth part, from the macro and micro environment analysis, reveal the P pharmaceutical company strategy Present situation and development strategy of management problems, by comparing the strategic transformation of endogenous and epitaxial and endogenous and epitaxial combination of three methods to determine the most suitable developmental strategy of P pharmaceutical company to take to the mergers and acquisitions or strategic alliance based extension type development strategy. The fifth part combined with the actual, P pharmaceutical company, reorganization of assets from the perspective of promoting the restructuring of the company's strategy, put forward the path to solve the problem, determine the asset restructuring program, the first division after merger: complete separation of P pharmaceutical companies and Y retail chain pharmacies will be separated from the first, two of the company's real estate assets to form a new company then select the appropriate subject; restructuring, equity transfer of the remaining assets of the two companies; followed by the newly formed company for two times merger, the assets management company's shares directly into the S. At the same time, According to the research on the influencing factors of asset restructuring, the three difficult problems of asset reorganization in P pharmaceutical company, namely asset stripping, restructuring choice and equity transfer strategy, design gradually. The design process for stripping range selection are compared to determine the equity transfer payment mode, so as to establish a set of asset restructuring program development strategy of P pharmaceutical company. In the sixth part to the fifth part of the design basis of asset restructuring program, further discussion of enterprise capability design in complementary resources, culture and strategy, after the reorganization of three aspects of integration method, qualitative analysis of the feasibility of the scheme.



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