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发布时间:2018-01-11 10:21

  本文关键词:祥龙装饰公司标准化服务对策研究 出处:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 装饰公司 标准化 服务 客户关系

【摘要】:随着我国经济的持续快速增长房地产业蓬勃发展,与房地产相关的装饰行业的发展也面临着前所未有的发展机遇。但是由于现有的装饰行业和工程需求相比已经出现供大于求的现象,再加上人们生活水平的不断提高,使得建筑装饰行业面临着更多的挑战。特别是,顾客对房屋装饰服务要求日趋增多,在需要方案的个性化定制的同时,还需要服务流程与质量的标准化,所以关于装饰标准化服务研究成为一个关键的问题。 本文拟针对祥龙装饰公司的服务相关问题,开展标准化服务的研究。具体地,本文采用理论分析和实际案例分析相结合的办法,综合运用了问卷调查、案例鱼刺图等方法,结合所学的相关理论研究,以祥龙装饰公司为例,在综合分析祥龙装饰公司的客户服务现状,找出问题所在,然后根据标准化服务的相关理论,构建了祥龙装饰公司的标准化服务体系,并提出了实施标准化服务体系的保障措施。 通过本文的研究,得出如下结论,国内的建筑装饰行业处在行业生命周期的成长阶段,,但是由于房地产市场竞争日益激烈,其中长期的发展前景是很被看好的,由于装饰行业的竞争激烈,祥龙装饰公司也面临着很大的挑战,所以想更好的在激烈的市场竞争中赢得优势并实现可持续发展,就要实行标准化的服务,加强内部管理,提高服务质量来全方位的提升企业的竞争力。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China ' s economy and the development of the real estate industry , the development of the decoration industry related to real estate is facing an unprecedented development opportunity . However , as compared with the existing decoration industry and the demand of engineering , the construction decoration industry is faced with more challenges . In this paper , the research on standardization service of Xianglong Decoration Co . , Ltd . is proposed in this paper . In the concrete , this paper applies the methods of the combination of theory analysis and practical case analysis , and combines the methods of questionnaire investigation , case study and other methods to find out the problem and then constructs the standardized service system of Xianglong Decoration Company based on the related theory of standardized service , and puts forward the safeguard measures for implementing standardized service system . Through the research in this paper , the conclusion is drawn that the domestic architectural decoration industry is in the growth stage of the life cycle of the industry . However , because of the fierce competition in the real estate market , the long - term development prospect is very good . As a result of the fierce competition in the decoration industry , Xianglong Decoration Co . , Ltd . is facing a great challenge . Therefore , it is necessary to carry out standardized service , strengthen internal management and improve the quality of service to enhance the competitiveness of the enterprise .



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