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发布时间:2018-01-12 05:09

  本文关键词:合肥市人口因素对普通商品住宅价格影响的研究 出处:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 合肥市 普通商品住宅 人口因素

【摘要】:自上世纪末我国城镇住房制度改革以来,房地产市场进入了蓬勃发展的新时期。房地产业占国民经济的比重越来越高,并且已经成为我国国民经济的支柱性产业。房地产市场的稳定与否不仅关系着国民经济的稳定,更是涉及到广大人民群众基本生活的重大事件,居有定所是老百姓普遍关注的事情。但是近年来我国商品住宅价格持续升高,高房价大大加重了普通居民的购房压力,为房地产市场的健康发展和老百姓的居住需求带来了严峻挑战。影响商品住宅价格的因素有很多,不仅在学术界,在现实生活中都引起了广泛的讨论。本研究是在国内商品住宅快速上涨和新阶段人口状况复杂的背景下,以合肥市为研究对象,采用定性和定量相结合的方式探讨影响普通商品住宅价格的人口及相关因素。本文首先介绍了房地产市场及商品住宅价格的发展现状,以此引出研究方向,明确研究的意义。然后列举国内外研究成果的方式介绍商品住宅价格影响因素方面的研究状况,最后指出研究的思路和研究方法,在此基础上展示研究的内容和本研究的创新点。此外,还列举了与研究相关的房地产市场经济理论和人口理论。其次,介绍商品住宅市场、商品住宅价格和住房需求的概念,然后在此基础上进一步分析了商品住宅价格的特性并对住宅需求的类型进行了细致的划分,明确本研究所关注的普通商品住宅及其价格的形成。并解释商品住宅价格与住宅需求之间的关系,为下文讨论普通商品住宅价格的影响因素做铺垫,本部分还在总体上初步论述了经济、社会、行政、区位、住宅价格内在等多个方面因素对商品住宅价格的影响。通过对住宅相关概念阐述和人口理论分析的铺垫,本部分就人口因素对普通商品住宅价格的影响进行细致分析。再次,在介绍合肥市商品住宅与人口的变化历程、现状和表现出来的特点,通过数据展示了 2001-2014年合肥市住宅价格和人口相关指标变动的趋势,并建立回归分析模型,实证分析人口相关因素与普通商品住宅价格之间的关系。研究结果表明:人口规模、人口年龄、人口性别结构、流动人口、家庭结构、人口科学文化素质人口因素对合肥市普通商品住宅价格都明显的影响,其中人口规模对合肥市普通商品住宅价格的影响最为显著。最后,结论与政策建议。通过前文的定性和实证两个方面的分析,展示出了本研究的研究结果。并结合人口相关因素就普通商品住宅市场的健康发展和抑制商品住宅价格过快上涨提出政策建议。
[Abstract]:Since the reform of urban housing system in China at the end of 0th century, the real estate market has entered a new period of vigorous development. The stability of the real estate market is not only related to the stability of the national economy, but also to the basic life of the broad masses of the people. Residential housing is a common concern of the common people. But in recent years, the price of commercial housing in China has been rising, and the high housing prices have greatly increased the pressure on ordinary residents to buy houses. For the healthy development of the real estate market and the housing needs of ordinary people has brought serious challenges. There are many factors affecting the commodity housing prices, not only in the academic community. In the real life has caused extensive discussion. This research is in the domestic commercial housing rapid rise and the new stage population situation complex background, taking Hefei as the research object. Using the combination of qualitative and quantitative approach to explore the impact of ordinary commodity housing prices of the population and related factors. Firstly, this paper introduces the real estate market and the current situation of the development of commodity housing prices, so as to lead to the research direction. Clear the significance of the study. Then enumerate the ways of domestic and foreign research results to introduce the research situation of the factors affecting the price of commercial housing, and finally point out the research ideas and research methods. On this basis, the content of the study and the innovative points of this study. In addition, it lists the real estate market economy theory and population theory related to the research. Secondly, it introduces the commodity housing market. The concept of commodity housing price and housing demand, and then on the basis of further analysis of the characteristics of commodity housing prices and the types of housing demand for a detailed division. This paper clarifies the formation of ordinary commercial housing and its price, and explains the relationship between commodity housing price and housing demand, which lays the groundwork for the following discussion of the influence factors of ordinary commodity housing price. This part also discusses the economy, society, administration and location in general. The influence of many factors such as housing price on commodity housing price. Through the housing related concepts and population theory analysis of the foreshadowing. This part of the population factors on the general commodity housing prices for careful analysis. Thirdly, in the introduction of Hefei commodity housing and population change process, the current situation and the characteristics of the performance. The change trend of housing price and demographics in Hefei from 2001 to 2014 is shown and a regression analysis model is established. Empirical analysis of the relationship between population-related factors and ordinary commodity housing prices. The results show that: population size, population age, population gender structure, floating population, family structure. Population, scientific and cultural quality of the population factors on the ordinary commodity housing prices in Hefei are significantly affected, among them, the population size of ordinary commodity housing prices in Hefei is the most significant. Finally. Conclusions and policy recommendations. Through the qualitative and empirical analysis. The results of this study are shown and some policy suggestions on the healthy development of the general commodity housing market and the suppression of the excessive rise of the commodity housing price are put forward in combination with the population related factors.


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