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发布时间:2018-01-12 06:19

  本文关键词:城市房屋拆迁合同履行问题研究 出处:《中央民族大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 城市房屋拆迁 补偿安置协议 延期交房 房屋质量 公共部分

[Abstract]:In recent years, with the acceleration of urbanization and the transformation of the old city, new city construction projects emerge in endlessly. As the real estate market in first-tier cities gradually presents saturation state. The real estate market of the second and third tier cities has become the choice of many developers. Although the second and third tier cities have national policy support, they have certain resource advantages. However, the lack of rigid demand for housing is inevitable. Developers development scale is too large, local residents' purchasing power is insufficient, so that the funds can not be recovered quickly, resulting in resettlement houses can not be completed on time. There are a large number of uncompleted flats. Moreover, the collapse of the real estate market, house prices fell sharply, resulting in a large number of demolition tenants want to help developers unable to pay the house such as default behavior to remove the housing demolition compensation and resettlement agreement. In order to avoid the expansion of losses. Developers have neither enough funds to continue to build houses, nor the ability to compensate for the loss of demolition. In this case. It is urgent to properly resolve the disputes between developers and demolition tenants, because it not only concerns whether the rights of the parties can get legal relief, but also involves the harmony and stability of the society. Whether the spirit of fairness and justice maintained by law can be reflected in every case. Although some cities have taken a series of measures such as "housing ticket" system to solve the housing inventory problem. But these measures are mainly aimed at completed housing. There are no targeted measures for the disputes between developers and demolition households due to problems such as rotting end houses. The author proceeds from the actual situation of the development of real estate in the second and third tier cities. Sort out the typical problems in the process of implementation of the current relocation compensation and resettlement agreement, which mainly include the delay of housing delivery, the quality of housing, the quality of the initial decoration of the house and the housing public part of the problem. These problems mainly revolve around the main target of the relocation compensation and resettlement agreement-housing, the essence of which concerns whether the purpose of contract formation can be really realized. The author consulted a large number of relevant cases, literature and legal materials, through careful study, summarized and sorted out. Comparative analysis and other methods of detailed study of the nature of each typical problem. Before putting forward a specific solution, this paper defines the scope of the research problem, clear the different aspects and types of the problem. Then it analyzes the force of the parties' breach of contract in different types of problems in turn. Breach of contract on the degree of damage to rights and other factors. The method proposed in this article is to strictly abide by the principle of contract, in the case of the contract can be maintained and performed, the party in breach of contract to continue to perform the contract. For the loss caused by breach of contract by the party in breach of contract according to the provisions of the law and the actual situation compensation only if the breach of contract seriously affected the realization of the purpose of the contract. It is expected that this paper will sum up and solve the problems in the implementation of the compensation agreement. Can provide reference and reference for other cities real estate similar dispute settlement.


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