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发布时间:2018-01-13 04:11

  本文关键词:QM房地产代理公司营销策略研究 出处:《华中科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产代理 营销策划 营销模式

【摘要】:我国房地产行业近几年发展速度非常迅猛,在泡沫经济的严峻考验下,房地产企业竞争日趋激烈,不仅有楼盘之争,还有企业之间综合实力的竞争。所以,加强营销策划至关重要。如何成为最适合项目发展的代理公司是房地产代理行业的一大难题。 本文以“QM房地产代理公司营销策略”为研究对象,所研究的QM房地产代理公司,其主要业务集中在我国的三四线城市。公司经营具备创新性、全面性和特色定制性服务等特点,且在同行业同等级公司中占中上等水平。首先,论文通过对房地产相关行业背景的分析为本文的研究提出了前提条件,同时阐述了选题的目的及意义。接着,通过相关理论综述提出本文所用原理、理论、方法、手段等。通过对行业的发展历史、行业类别、存在意义及行业现状等方面的系统介绍,将我国房地产代理行业的整体状况进行了详细而透彻的分析。然后,对QM公司目前的经营模式、营销策略、管理手段等做了详细的解说,通过PEST分析法进行宏观环境分析,并结合实际情况对行业环境和竞争对手进行详细地论述。最后,对QM公司的营销策略分成前期、中期、后期三个部分进行详尽的剖析,并利用3C模型、STP战略、SWOT分析和4Ps战略等营销理论工具结合实际案例分析,通过对结果的分析、研究、比较、评价和应用,以达到改进QM公司目前营销策略的效果。在此基础上,对QM公司未来发展做了一个展望,,并提出适合QM公司发展的新型营销模式。希望通过此次研究能对QM公司经营管理和利润的提高起到积极的推动作用,为同行业的健康可持续发展提供有利的参考。
[Abstract]:The real estate industry of our country develops very fast in recent years. Under the severe test of bubble economy, the competition of real estate enterprises is becoming more and more fierce, not only the competition of real estate, but also the competition of comprehensive strength among enterprises. It is very important to strengthen the marketing planning. How to become the most suitable agent for the development of the project is a difficult problem for the real estate agency industry. This article takes "QM real estate agent company marketing strategy" as the research object, the QM real estate agent company, whose main business is concentrated in the third and fourth line cities of our country, the company management has the innovation. Comprehensive and characteristic customized services and other characteristics, and in the same industry in the same level of companies in the upper level. First, the paper through the analysis of the real estate related industry background for the study of the premise. At the same time, it expounds the purpose and significance of the topic. Then, through the relevant theoretical review, this paper puts forward the principles, theories, methods, means and so on. Through the development of the industry history, industry categories. The significance of the existence of the industry and the status quo of the introduction of the overall situation of the real estate agent industry in China is analyzed in detail and thorough. Then, QM company's current business model, marketing strategy. The management means and so on have made the detailed explanation, through the PEST analytic method carries on the macroscopic environment analysis, and unifies the actual situation to carry on the detailed elaboration to the profession environment and the competitor. Finally. The marketing strategy of QM company is divided into three parts: early, middle and later, and the use of 3C model to make use of STP strategy. SWOT analysis and 4Ps strategy and other marketing theory tools combined with practical case analysis, through the analysis of the results, research, comparison, evaluation and application. In order to improve QM company's current marketing strategy, the future development of QM company is prospected. And put forward a new marketing model suitable for the development of QM Company. It is hoped that this study can play a positive role in promoting the management and profit of QM Company. To provide a favorable reference for the healthy and sustainable development of the same industry.


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