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发布时间:2018-01-13 14:44

  本文关键词:我国房地产业洗钱方式及风险评估 出处:《西南交通大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产业洗钱 风险评估 风险矩阵 层次分析法

【摘要】:近年来随着金融领域反洗钱法律法规的不断完善、技术手段的不断革新和反洗钱从业人员数量的不断增加及其专业技能的不断提高,洗钱犯罪逐渐向非金融行业转移,而我国房地产行业日益活跃,房地产投资或交易数额巨大,为大额非法资金的进出提供了可能。近年来的案件亦表明发生在房地产行业的洗钱犯罪数量已经到了不可忽视的程度,另一方面随着我国人民币国际化进程不断推进资本管制趋向宽松,将会有更多的国际黑钱进入国内房地产行业。因此为遏制洗钱犯罪,加大对房地产行业洗钱犯罪的研究已刻不容缓。 本文首先简述了选题背景及选题意义,并对相关理论和研究文献进行总结回顾。其次着重分析了房地产业常见的成立或入股房地产公司、房地产交易、房地产租赁和房地产贷款四大洗钱方式,从众多各异的洗钱方式中分析其共性,并结合FATF(2007)和Unger B. el at.(2010)中介绍的可疑特征指标,提取我国房地产业洗钱可疑交易行为特征指标。进而依此归纳出反洗钱制度、融资方、开发商、购房者、中介服务、融资、支付工具七大房地产业洗钱风险模块和22个分指标、构建房地产业洗钱风险指标体系,组建专家小组对风险发生概率和风险对目标造成的可能影响进行评估,然后以评估值为基础运用风险矩阵法和Borda序值法对各风险模块进行重要性排序,运用层次分析法构建判断矩阵计算各模块的权重,对房地产洗钱整体风险进行评估。论文实证部分以案例的方法说明评估模型的实际应用过程。最后结合我国人民币国际化下房地产将要面临的新形势对房地产业反洗钱监管提出政策建议。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the continuous improvement of anti-money laundering laws and regulations in the financial field, the continuous innovation of technical means and the increase of the number of anti-money laundering practitioners as well as the continuous improvement of their professional skills. The crime of money laundering is gradually transferred to the non-financial industry, but the real estate industry in China is becoming more and more active, and the amount of real estate investment or transaction is huge. Cases in recent years also show that the number of money-laundering crimes in the real estate industry has reached a degree that can not be ignored. On the other hand, with the internationalization of RMB in China, the capital control tends to be looser, and more international black money will enter the domestic real estate industry. Therefore, in order to curb the crime of money laundering. It is urgent to increase the research on the crime of money laundering in real estate industry. Firstly, this paper briefly describes the background and significance of the topic, and summarizes the relevant theories and research literature. Secondly, it focuses on the analysis of common real estate companies or shares in real estate, real estate transactions. Real estate leasing and real estate loans four money laundering methods, from many different ways of money laundering analysis of its commonality. Combined with the suspicious characteristic indicators introduced in FATF 2007) and Unger Bel at.2010). Extract the characteristic index of suspicious transaction behavior of real estate money laundering in our country. Then sum up anti-money laundering system, financing party, developer, house buyer, intermediary service, financing according to this. Seven real estate money laundering risk modules and 22 sub-indicators of payment tools, the establishment of real estate money laundering risk index system, the formation of expert groups to assess the probability of risk occurrence and the possible impact of risk on the target. Then based on the evaluation value, we use the risk matrix method and Borda order value method to rank the importance of each risk module, and use AHP to construct the judgment matrix to calculate the weight of each module. The paper illustrates the practical application process of the evaluation model by case study. Finally, combining with the new situation that real estate will face under the internationalization of RMB in our country, the paper analyzes the real estate industry in the real estate industry. The anti-money laundering regulation puts forward the policy suggestion.


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