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发布时间:2018-01-13 18:07

  本文关键词:中海地产品牌重建研究 出处:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 品牌营销 中海地产 品牌重建 重建策略

【摘要】:经过二十余年的发展,我国的房地产市场从无到有,从个别企业独大到企业之间竞争愈演愈烈,从开始的卖方市场到现今的买方市场,发展至今,房地产市场的竞争已经从传统的价格竞争和质量竞争向品牌竞争转变。品牌作为企业的巨大无形财富,是在激烈竞争中扭转企业局势的重要工具,其重要性已经远超过了土地、资金、技术或是人力等实物性要素。房地产企业在面临行业内的激烈竞争和行业外的严厉宏观调控政策之时,塑造、建立一个强势的企业是提高企业市场竞争力的关键一步,树立一个科学的品牌发展策略也是一个成熟企业的标志,本文通过以下几个步骤实现对中海地产重建问题的全面深刻的研究。本文主要分为五个部分: 第一章:绪论。该部分主要阐述了本文的研究背景,表明对这一选题进行论述的重要性,同时对国内外学者的相关研究成果进行简要总结和学习,结合以往学者的研究结果提出本文研究的创新点和研究方法,以图例形式展示了本文的研究框架。 第二章:论文研究的理论基础。该部分对房地产品牌的内涵及作用进行了初步的剖析,并且阐明了房地产企业建立品牌的重要性和必然性,从而为论文的研究主题奠定理论基础;同时该部分还对房地产品牌营销理论进行了总结和学习,从而提高了对中海地产品牌重建主题的研究高度。 第三章:中海地产及其发展环境分析。该部分叙述了中海地产的发展现状,分析了一些中海地产在品牌营销过程中存在的问题,并从宏观的角度分析了中海地产所处的市场环境。 第四章:中海地产品牌建设及其经营现状。该部分重点分析了中海地产在面临新的房地产市场形势下所作出的品牌建设,分析了品牌建设的重要性,并客观的考察了中海地产目前的品牌营销状态,分析中海地产的经营现状。 第五章:中海地产品牌重建策略研究。该部分从品牌建设,品牌传播和品牌维护三个方面来对品牌重建进行系统的阐述,分析得出了中海地产品牌重建的具体过程和应当遵循的法则。 第六章:中海地产品牌重建策略的实施保障。该部分首先论述了中海地产品牌重建的意义和重要性,从而提出中海地产在品牌重建过程中应从几个方面着手,凭借这些策略很好的实现品牌重建目标。 第七章:全文总结。该部分系统的总结了文章的主要内容,并阐述了品牌建设和品牌营销对房地产企业生存的重要性。
[Abstract]:After more than 20 years of development, the real estate market in China has developed from scratch, from individual enterprises to fierce competition between enterprises, from the beginning of the seller's market to the present buyer's market. The competition in the real estate market has changed from traditional price competition and quality competition to brand competition. As a huge intangible wealth of enterprises, brand is an important tool to reverse the situation of enterprises in the fierce competition. Its importance has far exceeded the physical factors such as land, capital, technology or human resources. Real estate enterprises in the face of fierce competition within the industry and the harsh macro-control policies outside the industry, shaping. The establishment of a strong enterprise is a key step to improve the competitiveness of the enterprise market, and the establishment of a scientific brand development strategy is also the symbol of a mature enterprise. This paper realizes the comprehensive and profound research on the reconstruction of China Shipping Real Estate through the following steps. This paper is mainly divided into five parts: The first chapter: introduction. This part mainly describes the research background of this paper, shows the importance of this topic, and at the same time summarizes and studies the related research results of domestic and foreign scholars. Based on the research results of previous scholars, the innovative points and research methods of this paper are put forward, and the research framework of this paper is presented in the form of legend. Chapter two: the theoretical basis of the thesis. This part analyzes the connotation and function of real estate brand, and clarifies the importance and inevitability of establishing brand in real estate enterprise. So as to lay a theoretical foundation for the study of the theme of the paper; At the same time, this part also summarizes and studies the theory of real estate brand marketing, thus improving the research on the theme of brand reconstruction of Zhonghai real estate. Chapter III: analysis of China Shipping Real Estate and its development environment. This part describes the development status of China Shipping Real Estate, and analyzes some problems in the process of brand marketing. And from the macro point of view to analyze the real estate market environment. Chapter 4th: China Shipping real estate brand construction and its management status. This part focuses on the analysis of China Shipping Real Estate in the face of the new real estate market situation of brand construction, analysis of the importance of brand building. And objectively investigate the current brand marketing status of China Shipping Real Estate, and analyze the current operating situation of China Shipping Real Estate. Chapter 5th: research on brand reconstruction strategy of China Shipping Real Estate. This part systematically expounds brand reconstruction from three aspects: brand construction, brand communication and brand maintenance. Analysis of the real estate brand reconstruction process and should follow the rules. Chapter 6th: the implementation of the brand reconstruction strategy of Zhonghai real estate protection. This part first discusses the significance and importance of the brand reconstruction of China Shipping Real Estate, and then puts forward that China Shipping Real Estate should start from several aspects in the process of brand reconstruction. With these strategies, the brand reconstruction goals are well achieved. Chapter 7th: summary of the full text. This part systematically summarizes the main contents of the article, and expounds the importance of brand building and brand marketing to the survival of real estate enterprises.


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1 熊璐瑛,唐建立;塑造房地产品牌的策略分析[J];重庆工学院学报;2003年03期

2 周岷;论树立房地产企业品牌的策略[J];福建建筑;2003年S1期

3 吴迅;对房地产营销策划的理性思考[J];中国房地产;2002年07期

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