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发布时间:2018-01-14 07:12

  本文关键词:基于灰色理论的XX公司房地产项目管理成熟度模型构建及评价研究 出处:《新疆大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 项目管理 成熟度模型 房地产开发企业 灰色综合评价

【摘要】:随着全球化步伐的加快,为获取市场竞争优势,项目的成功实施已逐渐成为企业提高管理水平的重要手段。项目管理愈来愈受到大家的重视而被广泛使用,企业在大力推进项目管理的同时,首先需要认清自身所处的水平,准确定位自己。因此,正确评估组织项目实施能力,提高项目管理水平对企业来讲至关重要。而项目管理成熟度模型为提升企业项目管理水平提供了一个评估与改进的框架,其所适合的企业不分规模大小和设立形式,也不分所处行业和文化背景。根据项目管理成熟度模型确定组织项目管理的应用模式,不仅可以检验企业的项目管理能力,评估项目管理绩效,,而且还能同行业内其他企业加以比较,发现缺点和不足,了解企业在项目实施过程中的短板,为企业制定应对计划并采取相应的改进措施提供原始数据和第一手资料,进而提高项目的实施能力,增强企业的竞争力,从而获得市场竞争优势。 房地产开发企业是典型的项目主导型企业,其通过项目创造价值并达到自身战略目标,项目管理水平的高低直接影响到项目成败及企业的可持续发展。近年来,项目管理成熟度模型已经成为世界范围内项目管理学界的热门研究课题之一,而在此方面,我国还处于萌芽状态,其理论研究和应用实践起步较晚,与发达国家的差距还比较大。因此,积极探索项目管理成熟度模型对于我们的企业是非常重要的,尤其是我国房地产行业的发展和转型升级迫切需要一套全面的、具有指导意义的评价体系和考核标准。 本文以目前常见的几种项目管理成熟度模型为蓝本,对国内外研究现状和应用成果进行比较分析,把规范研究和实证研究方法结合起来,积极探索对现有模型的改进研究,初步制定出一套适合我国房地产开发企业项目管理实际情况和具体特征的评价指标体系,并据此构建了一种房地产项目管理成熟度模型。文中所提及的灰色综合评价方法,是灰色理论、“木桶理论”、模糊数学评判、AHP层次分析和从定性到定量分析等多种理论、方法的综合集成。借鉴各家之所长,所使用的方法根据评估步骤的不同而有所差异,同时考虑各样本数据对最终评价结果的影响,充分利用现有信息,减少非系统误差。这对于指导我国房地产开发企业提高项目管理水平,从而增加项目成功率具有重要的理论研究和现实指导意义。
[Abstract]:With the accelerated pace of globalization, in order to obtain the competitive advantage in the market, the successful implementation of the project has gradually become an important means for enterprises to improve the management level of the project management. More and more attention and is widely used in enterprises, vigorously promote the project management at the same time, the first step is to realize that the level of their exact position. Therefore, the correct evaluation ability of organizing the project implementation, improve the level of project management is essential for the enterprise and project management maturity model to enhance the level of enterprise project management provides a framework for evaluation and improvement, the suitable enterprise regardless of size and form, nor branch industry and the cultural background. Determined according to the application the organization mode of project management project management maturity model, can not only test the enterprise project management capability, project management performance evaluation, but also the same Compared with other enterprises in the industry, found the shortcomings and deficiencies, understand the short board enterprise in the project implementation process, plan for the enterprise and to take corresponding measures to provide the original data and first-hand information, and improve the ability to implement the project, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises to obtain competitive advantage in the market.
Real estate development enterprises are typical project oriented enterprises, through the project to create value and achieve its strategic objectives, the project management level directly affects the sustainable development of the project and the success or failure of enterprises. In recent years, the project management maturity model has become one of the hot research topic of project management in the world and in the academic circles. Hand, our country is still in its infancy, its theoretical research and practical application of a late start, the gap with developed countries is still relatively large. Therefore, actively explore the project management maturity model is very important for the enterprises, especially the development of China's real estate industry and the transformation and upgrading of the urgent need for a comprehensive and have the guiding significance of the evaluation system and evaluation standards.
In this paper, several common project management maturity model based on the domestic and foreign research status quo and application results of comparative analysis, the methods of normative research and empirical research together, and actively explore the improvement on the existing models, established a set of suitable for the development of China's real estate enterprise project management of the actual situation and specific characteristics the evaluation index system, and build a real estate project management maturity model. The grey comprehensive evaluation method mentioned in this paper, grey theory, the cask theory, fuzzy mathematics, AHP and AHP from qualitative to quantitative analysis of various theories, integrated the strengths of each reference method. And the methods used vary according to the different steps of evaluation, considering the impact of the sample data to the final evaluation results, make full use of the existing information system, reduce non Systematic error, which has important theoretical and practical significance for guiding our country's real estate development enterprises to improve the level of project management and increase the success rate of projects.



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